Be Safe For The New Year - Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving!

With being on the eve of New Year's Eve, a lot of people have already started their New Years celebrations. Please everyone, take that extra minute and grab the keys from someone that has had something to drink. It may end in confrontation, but that will be dissolved the next day. And I would rather have a nights worth of confrontation on my hands than someone's death or crippledness due to me not taking action.
So many lives are lost due to buzzed/drunk driving. Senseless and sad. So please take the time and do your part to save a life or lives this New Years season.

In 2008, nearly 12,000 people in the U.S. were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes - and during the periods around Christmas and New Year's, this number was particularly high, with 316 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2007, 162,493 women were arrested for a DUI, an increase of almost 29% since 1998. You can't help but wonder if lives could have been saved if people thought twice before getting behind the wheel. With the holidays approaching, it's important that drivers be reminded about the dangers of buzzed driving. Who could save a life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed.

Please listen to Emily's story about how Buzzed Driving changed her life. Feel free to share this video and the following information with anyone that this may help.
To view, click HERE.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed. You can follow Buzzed Driving on Twitter (@buzzeddriving) and Facebook ( to get the latest updates and news.

You can also visit the Buzzed Driving website HERE where readers can sign a pledge to not drive buzzed, play an interactive game which demonstrates the difference between buzzed and drunk, and hear personal stories from people who have driven buzzed.

Have a safe and happy New Year, and remember that buzzed driving IS drunk driving!!!

24 LONG-STEMMED MULTICOLORED ROSES FOR $24.99 is offering this great deal!!! They are absolutely beautiful and you cannot even buy a single rose at a store for less than $1.00. Click on the link here to check out this wonderful deal! What a great surprise your loved one would get --and what a great deal you would get too! Plus you get 75 Fresh Rewards Points for this...everyone is a winner!

The Holidays Are Over

I am way behind on some product reviews, freebies, and tons of other things. Hopefully I can get back on track this week!

For all of the winners on Zoodles, hang in there with me. I am submitting your names and information today.

For everyone else, I hope you had a nice Christmas and hope the new year brings new traditions and great memories.

Be on the lookout for upcoming reviews and great deals! We need to make 2010 a year of frugality - with this economy, there really is no other way!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here is wishing, from my family to yours, a healthy and happy CHRISTmas season! With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, we sometimes forget the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus' birth.

Do not be sad about a material item that you did not receive or that you were not able to give. Just remember the greatest gift of all has already been given to each and every one of us - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It was on today, December 25th, that a King was born and the time should be reflected on that glorious moment!

Merry Christmas and wishing you peace, joy, and true happiness for many years to come!


Click here to signup to receive a mystery bag. It could contain a watch, coupons, and more. It looks like they have some really nice watches!

With Christmas coming up in the next few days, we ALL need to take advantage of this offer. Click here to sign up for Staples Rewards and when you buy a 20-pack of Duracell batteries for $12.99, you receive $12.99 back in Staples Rewards on your next purchase - limit 2.

Click here top check out the list. These are a steal!


I just happened to come across this diet. (Well, I know. It is getting ready to be a new year, LOTS of extra pounds to lose, I was looking in the area of diets but found this)....Does that sound better? =)

Anyhow, I found this site and I flipped through the beginning pages of this e-book and it sounds like this could really work! This is going to be my new diet for the upcoming year. It just makes sense what it is saying.

This is not a review, because I have yet to try it, but it says it promotes a healthier you for, of course, losing weight, people with joint problems, asthma and/or other breathing problems, fatigue, digestive problems, and diabetics!

I am unsure how long the free e-book deal is going to last but you can get your copy by clicking here.

If anyone has tried this thus far (even though it is relatively new), please comment. But I am actually excited from just the few pages that I have read so far.


Today only!

Click here and register to get your pictures and stickers! Great deal! Plus check out the rest of their great offers.


This holiday season 1-800-FLOWERS has created a Secret Santa program on Facebook as part of a fundraiser for Toys for Tots. All you have to do is fill in the person's name of who you are sending this Secret Santa message to, their e-mail address, and type in your message - but be careful NOT to give any details away...Let them keep guessing! That is, until Dec. 21, 2009, when it will be revealed who their Secret Santa is! Plus, you will get an offer to take 15% off of a purchase. Even though no purchase is required to send a Secret Santa message, it would be great to purchase something - you get a discount but, more importantly, you are helping out a needy child!

To spread the word, 1-800-FLOWERS has asked Global Influence bloggers to post about this fun Facebook program to raise $5,000 for Toys for Tots.

Click here for more information -->

Let's remember to GIVE this CHRISTmas season!


Here you go - the list of Freebies for Wednesday!!!!!

***FREE "IN GOD WE STILL TRUST" BOOK*** (I like the name by the way) is offering a FREE book titled "In God We Still Trust" get yours, click here -->

This code is reported to have worked at many locations, but I am unsure about the expiration date....use code ACME26. Also, if you haven't used the code DVDONME than you can use that one. I know it works at Walgreen locations. And, you can also try GANTS9. This has been reported to work at most locations also.

Click here --> to get your FREE subscription to BabyTalk magazine. Babytalk has all the information expectant and new parents want and need from health and safety issues to the latest and greatest products for baby. And it's yours FREE! (You will never receive a bill.)

Books-A-Million currently has hundreds of titles available for $1.77, including many classic children's books!

-- Click here --> and click on the $1.77 Books graphic.

-- Go to the category you're interested in and sort by lowest to highest price to see all the books available which are only $1.77.

-- Check out using coupon code BKLVFREE to get free shipping. (This code can only be used once per customer so if you've used it before, you won't be able to use it again.)

Thanks, Coupon Cravings!


***Aveeno Baby Moisture Shampoo and Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Diaber Rash Cream***

I was given the opportunity to review these products from BzzAgent. If you haven't heard of them, they are great! You can check them out here --->

Anyhow, these products were great! The diaper rash ointment was thick and creamy and it did not wipe off as soon as you applied it. It definitely stayed where it was supposed to stay! It was not greasy at all, but more importantly, it worked quickly. My son is very tender-skinned and in his earlier years, we had a time with diapers and diaper rash. No diaper seemed to work without causing diaper rash. He is a lot better now, but still develops a rash every now and then. And the Aveeno cream worked!

The shampoo was fair. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst. I feel like the scent could have been more appealing, but it did clean his hair which, I guess, is the most important part.

So, on a scale of 1/5, I give the Aveeno Diaper Rash Ointment a 5. On the same scale, I give the Aveeno Baby shampoo a 3/5 due to the scent issue and I really have found other shampoos that I prefer for the little ones at a better bargain.

WINNERS for the Zoodles online 3-month Premium membership!

Hey girls. E-mail me with your e-mail address so I can contact the company - they will be setting up your account for your FREE 3-month Premium membership.

Congratulations to Lesley, Nikki, Angie, Anne, and Mama to 3 boys!!!!

You can contact me at

Again, CONGRATULATIONS, and I hope your children love this as much as mine do!


Hurry folks! Time is running out on this great giveaway to 5 lucky people! See post below for details!


Okay guys! I finally have a Feedburner and I do not see how I have gotten along without it! So, for all of you following, if you want to, you can click on the top right corner to subscribe to my blog by e-mail. This will automatically send you, via e-mail, all blog updates!

You don't want to miss out on these deals, reviews, and giveaways! Subscribe today!


It's holiday party season - time to celebrate all of the exciting winter holidays with our friends and loved ones. Our mailboxes are flooded with invitations to parties and dinners and other holiday get-togethers. With these parties come food, fellowship, gifts, and in many cases, festive alcoholic drinks.

In 2008, nearly 12,000 people in the U.S. were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes - and during the periods around Christmas and New Year's, this number was particularly high, with 316 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2007, 162,493 women were arrested for a DUI, an increase of almost 29% since 1998. You can't help but wonder if lives could have been saved if people thought twice before getting behind the wheel. With the holidays approaching, it's important that drivers be reminded about the dangers of buzzed driving. Who could save a life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed.

To learn more, please check out these websites:

You can also visit the Buzzed Driving website at where you can sign a pledge to not drive buzzed, play an interactive game which demonstrates the difference between buzzed and drunk, and hear personal stories from people who have driven buzzed.

While at holiday events, it's easy to lose track of a drink here or there - but this can be fatal. This holiday season, keep you and your family safe by spreading this message.

Have a safe and happy holiday and remember that buzzed driving IS drunk driving.


If you have not heard about Zoodles, well you have came to the right place! Zoodles is a safe place to play and learn online. Here is a bit about

Zoodles is not your typical web browser. Most sites, you log into and who knows what is going to pop up or be shown on the sidebars - a lot of times, it is something that we do not want our children exposed to. But with Zoodles, they started from scratch and built their own web browser, especially for kids, so it is easy for them to navigate from place to place, and YOU control the content allowed.
By launching the Zoodles icon, your child will enter a full-screen mode that will keep them from exiting and finding inappropriate content and it protects important files that you have on your computer!
My son tried this out and he is hooked. Not only is it fun for him, but he is learning also. And this is not some second-rate website. It is A+ in my book. The games and activities are great! They are not cheesy, nor are they boring. My son has already picked out his favorites - well, at least his favorites of the subjects and games that he has been on. There are so many different activities that he has not been able to see them all yet. Which, in turn, this means that your child will not get bored because there is a HUGE variety of activities on here.
The topics range from reading, math, social studies, science, life skills, etc.
He has came to me multiple times, after I had told him earlier that he has had enough computer time, that "Mommy, I need to learn. I need to do my learning games." And, of course, I can not turn that down! He actually was on a reading and spelling activity and it had one of his spelling words for that week - family. He made 100% on his test and family was the bonus word!!! =) Needless to say, it works!

This would be a fantastic present to any child this Christmas. Click on the link here --> to see how you can go about doing this. Trust me, you will NOT be sorry and what a great gift to give a child - a gift of learning.
Also, you can have limited use of Zoodles on, but why not let your children's learning power go beyond limited. In learning, it should be unlimited! Click here --> to see the difference of free membership and Premium membership.

BUT WAIT...............................................

Zoodles is allowing me to give away 5 FREE 3-month Premium memberships to 5 lucky people!

What do you need to do? Well, it is simple. Just follow my blog on the side bar and comment on here that you did and leave a comment about which subjects your children like in school. It is that simple. The drawing for this will be on Tuesday, December 15th at 3 p.m.
So hurry and tell all of your friends!
I will definitely keep my membership going with Zoodles. I think my son would be very disappointed if I didn't!


I have been swamped with work, which is a good thing! But I just wanted everyone to be on the lookout tonight for some reviews and some GIVEAWAYS!!!! Great learning giveaway for your child in school!

So check back tonight or tomorrow to enter and to read my reviews!

Keep warm everyone!!!! (It is COLD the teens!)

**BOOK REVIEW** - SECRETS GIRLS KEEP by Carrie Silver-Stock

What girls hide and why and how to break the stress of silence....

**Review: I thought this was an excellent book for any preteen, teenager, and even thereafter. I wish that I would have had this book back in my teen years. It has so much logical advice all throughout the book on topics that girls are really relating to at that age. And, as we all know, sometimes we need to know that someone else is going through what you are going through and this book clearly shows that we are not alone.

Also through the book, it has real personal stories and struggles about girls in particular situations, tips and advice for teens BY teens. This book has a long list of topics including abuse, addiction, self image, friendship, grades, and of course....BOYS!

This should be a must-buy for any family member or friend, who is a girl, and is a preteen or teenager. Moms and grandma's - BUY this book for the girl in your life!

I give this book a 5 on a scale of 5/5. Definitely a good read. And, most of all, I think it would be very helpful.

Freebies - Act quickly - some are for today only!

Click here --> and enter the code LATIMESDISNEY to get the complete soundtrack downloaded. This is a family movie so it woulod be great for kids!

Click here -->

Click here -->

Receive a $10 gift card plus FREE shipping with orders of $49 or more at Oriental Trading. To get yours click here --> and enter code WCX8734.

30 RED Roses for $30.00

This is an AMAZING deal! You get 30 red roses for $30.00...not sure when this ends - it just says "hurry - ends soon" on --> I want these myself!


OraMoist: Dry mouth (xerostomia) is an under-diagnosed condition that affects 10% of the U.S. population, and can have a severe effect on oral health, causing tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath due to lack of oral moisture. Dry mouth is a symptom of several medical conditions, such as Sjogren’s Syndrome and diabetes, for example, and is a common side effect of many prescription and over-the-counter medications. In fact, people taking three or more medications have a 60% chance of suffering from dry mouth, making this a more common occurrence in mature adults.

OraMoist Dry Mouth Patch is a revolutionary, time-released, muco-adhesive patch powered by edible natural ingredients that adheres to the roof of the mouth or inside the cheek. As the patch dissolves over two to four hours, it releases ingredients that help increase saliva production alleviating parched, dry mouth. The increased moisture also helps restore a healthy oral environment, a significant benefit for dry mouth sufferers.

OraMoist Dry Mouth Patch has been clinically proven effective in terms of increased saliva production and improved feeling of moistness. Suggested retail price is $9.99 for a box of 16 patches; available at Rite Aid, Albertson’s LLC and Raley’s, and online at A printable coupon and store locator is also available on the Web sites.


Upon my review, I feel that this product delivers as described! It is right on with everything that it promises to do. I am a chronic sufferer of dry mouth due to medication. Well, dry mouth is NO more for me. This tiny little tablet that attaches to the roof of your mouth works instantly! I acually think that my mouth began to water before I placed it in there, knowing what it was in store for! =)

This is sugar-free and alcohol-free so this would be a great product for any diabetic. Also, with the constant flow of saliva that it produces, this would provide better oral health rather than having a constant dry mouth.

It was a little tricky the first time that I applied it though - it was slipping and sliding all over the place, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to place it perfectly and securely on the roof of my mouth - and I wear a partial and it did not interfere with that at all. I was also amazed at how well it stayed in place throughout the time. Very secure.

The taste was okay - I would have been more happy if it was cherry flavored but, nonetheless, it was not a bad taste at all - similar in the lines of a lime flavor, which aided in fresh breath!

So, in conclusion, for anyone who suffers from dry mouth due to a chronic problem or medication-related problem, you MUST get this product. It solves it immediately. The price is very affordable. My rating on this product on a 5/5 scale would definitely be a 5!!!!


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