
Titolo serie: Due mamme di troppo
Anno: 2010
Totale episodi: 6

Trama: Due mamme di troppo avevamo fatto la conoscenza di Gabriella Pelliconi detta Lell, una vedova meridionale di umili origini esperta massaggiatrice della Torino bene, e di Gabriella Terrani Du Bess, detta Gabry, una donna elegante e aristocratica...

Episodio 01 -Duckload-Novamov

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Event (Dec. 1 through Dec. 12, 2010)

Myself, along with A to Z For Moms Like Me are hosting a 12 Days of Christmas Event where we will offer giveaways each and every day from December 1, 2010 through December 12, 2010.

If you have a giveaway ending in this time frame you can list it here to get more traffic for your blog and to help spread exposure to your giveaway.


In order to post a giveaway you MUST follow both hosts:
Harvest For Tomorrow (that's me) and A to Z For Moms Like Me via GFC.

Post our 12 Days of Christmas button on your blog to help promote this event.

All giveaways must end between December 1st to 12th.

To submit your giveaway email: Amy at aesnyder@suddenlink.net or JoDee at jodeemason at gmail.com. We will make sure that your giveaways goes on both of our pages as well.

Current Giveaway Ending Dates and Line-Up (More to Follow with appropriate links):
December 1st

December 2nd

December 3rd

December 4th

December 5th

December 6th

December 7th

December 8th

December 9th

December 10th

December 11th

  • Chili's Kids Meal
  • El Monterey Family Size Dinner

December 12th

CSN Teaser For Upcoming Review

I am very excited to announce that I will be working with CSN Stores for an upcoming review. CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from stylish handbags, to modern extra tall bar stools, or great cookware and even toys! You all know me so you know that I was looking for a very long time to find what I wanted to do a review on. Let me just say, this is a one-stop shop for ANYTHING that you could possibly think of. I was like a kid in a candy store - a GIANT candy store. Just look at some of the awesome things that I found (and such a variety):

I love this bar stool. And with it being extra tall, it would definitely be good for our family since we are all so tall! It is very elegant looking!

And check this out:

A phone booth media cabinet! Isn't this adorable! You just don't see these everyday! I absolutely love this!

Not to mention they have bed and bath, patio furniture, rugs, lighting, home improvement, kids decor and kids toys - which is what I am going for. I will be reviewing this for my 2-1/2-year-old. We were going to review a Thomas ride on, but when I saw this, I knew he had to have it...so cute and it is a patrol car too!

So, again, since it is that time of year again - shopping for everyone, even those hard to buy for people, check out CSN Stores, as they have something for just about anyone and you don't even have to leave your own home (or your pajama's for that matter).

Be on the lookout for my upcoming review!


TITOLO: Falcon Beach
GENERE: Teen Drama
Totale episodi: 26
TRAMA: Falcon Beach è una città situata nei pressi di un lago e vive soprattutto di turismo. La serie ruota attorno alle vicende dei ragazzi del luogo, che interagiscono con le vite dei villeggianti che arrivano in città per trascorrere l'estate. Da un lato abbiamo i locali: Jason Tanner che ha perso il papà quand'era ancora bambino, è il classico tipo che passa il tempo sulla sua tavola a solcare le acque, Danny che è il suo migliore amico e anche il direttore di una sala giochi e Tanya, ex fidanzatina di Jason dei tempi della scuola, che è di ritorno dopo quattro anni trascorsi in Europa. I ragazzi in vancanza sono: Paige Bradshaw, una ragazza ricca e viziata di Toronto che preferirebbe trovarsi negli uffici della megazienda di famiglia piuttosto che sul viale dei ricordi di sua madre, che considera Falcon Beach il suo rifugio d'infanzia; Lane Bradshaw, fratello di Paige, vanitoso e avviato su una scia di autodistruzione tra droga e spaccio, e infine c'è Erin, che arriva ogni anno a Falcon Beach come guardia spiaggia. Due mondi lontani che si fondono per la durata di una stagione.

Prima Stagione:
1x00 - Un’estate di Fuoco (prima parte) - 1x00 - Un’estate di Fuoco (seconda parte)
1x01 – Ricominciare
1x02 - La macchina per l’espresso
1x03 - Foto di famiglia
1x04 - Sogni infranti
1x05 - Solstizio d’estate
1x06 - Il nuovo Campione
1x07 - Eroi del Luogo
1x08 - Il gioco delle colpe
1x09 - Rock’n Roll
1x10 - Non Mollare
1x11 - Una nuova vita
1x12 - Amori inquieti
1x13 - Ultimi giorni d’estate

Seconda Stagione:
2x01 – Dopo la Caduta
2x02 – Il gala delle fragole
2x03 – Bugie
2x04 – Marea
2x05 – Mano Vincente
2x06 - Il video musicale
2x07 – perduti
2x08 – Le parole di un padre
2x09 – 13 minuti a Mezzanotte
2x10 – Amanti e traditori
2x11 – Caccia al tesoro
2x12 – L’ultima spiaggia
2x13 – La prossima vita


Titolo serie: Accused
Totale episodi: in corso..

Trama: Ogni storia di questa nuova serie tratta di una persona comune che in qualche modo finisce sul banco degli imputati. Ma questi uomini e donne dovrebbero essere l? Sono innocenti o colpevoli? Nel primo episodio, Willy Houlihan nella cella di un tribunale, in attesa del verdetto del suo processo. Mentre inizia la lunga camminata verso la corte, assistiamo agli eventi che lo hanno portato l. Willy era un idraulico, un gran lavoratore con problemi di soldi e una famiglia a cui badare. Ma in cosa rimasto coinvolto?

Prima Stagione (SubITA)
1x01 - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 Liam's Story - 1x05 Kenny's Story -[1x06 Alison's Story-Duckload-Novamov-Videoweed]


Sensational Sunday Follow

List your blog here:

List your giveaways here:

List your Facebook page here:

List your Twitter page:


Titolo serie: Mistresses
Totale episodi: in corso..
Genere: drammatico, commedia

Trama: La serie è incentrata sulla vita di alcune donne che hanno superato i trent'anni e che sono amiche dai tempi del College, in particolare di Jane (Holly Marie Combs), che decide di rinunciare alla propria carriera per rimanere a casa per fare la mamma a tempo pieno,Ava (RochelleAytes),star di una nota soap opera, e di Shannon (Brooke Burns),un'avvocatessa in carriera.

Prima stagione [ITA]
Episodio 01 - Episodio 02-Episodio 03-Episodio 04-Episodio 05-Episodio 06


Titolo serie: Whites
Anno: 2010 Paese: UK
Genere: Sit-com
Totale episodi:6 (in corso.. )

Prima serie: [sub-ITA]
1x01 Episodio - 1x02 Episodio

Oh Boy....Have We Been Sick!

Just a quick note, and apology, to everyone about not getting these giveaways and reviews up lately. My entire household (besides my youngest - thank God), has been sick for the past several days. I haven't felt this bad in a LONG time....and it is hard being sick when you are the mom! We all know about this don't we? I can see everyone's head moving in agreement. There sure is no one to care for us as it is our duty to make sure everyone else is cared for. But we love it and we wouldn't change it for anything! ....well, maybe on sick days! =)

Anyway, hope to get posting soon and I really apologize for not getting Sensational Sunday Follow linky up yesterday...I just couldn't.

Hope to be posting soon - maybe in a day or so! Keep well everyone! Let's just pray that we are all totally back to normal by Thanksgiving!


Titolo serie: Blue Bloods
Anno: 2010
Genere: drammatico, poliziesco
Totale Episodi: 10

Contenuto: La serie segue le vicende della famiglia Reagan, che da generazioni lavorano come poliziotti presso il New Yotk Police Departement. Frank Reagan è il capo del dipartimento, ruolo che precedentemente è stato ricoperto da suo padre Henry, è rimasto vedovo con tre figli ormai adulti: Danny, Erin, Jamie, e un altro figlio che è morto... ...
Voglio Saperne Di Più!

Prima stagione[ITA]
Episodio 01 - Episodio 02 - Episodio 03 - Episodio 04- Episodio 05- Episodio 06 - Episodio 07- Ep 08 - Ep 09 - Ep 10

Prima stagione [sub-ITA]
01 Pilot - 02 Samaritan - 03 Priviledge - 04 Episodio

I Won A Blog Award!

This my second blog award! Thanks so much to Have Sippy Will Travel for spreading the blog love! This truly made my day!

*To accept this award, there are 4 rules*

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
Again, this is great and I truly appreciate this!

2. Share seven things about yourself.
  • I am a mom of two boys

  • I am in the process of opening an online store with my own domain now to sell candle tarts (ShabbySheepPrims.com). It has been a dream of mine for sometime and I just finally decided to stop dreaming and put in my extra time (and money - HA) into it to see where it takes me.

  • I have a cat who is 13-years-old named Baxter.

  • I will be celebrating my 10 year anniversary this upcoming January.

  • I am super-excited about the holidays this year! Moreso than in the past.

  • My mom was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma this past Summer and it hit her out of the blue. This has been a very hard time but when she has good days, we really appreciate them!

  • I live in a small town in West Virginia where everyone knows you (or so it seems).

3. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.

4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award. Thanks again, Have Sippy Will Travel!!!!


Titolo serie: Tower Prep
Anno: 2010
Totale episodi: in corso..

Trama: Tower Prep una nuova serie ideata da Paul Dini, gi noto per aver collaborato con il mondo dei fumetti e dell'animazione americana.E' incentrata sulla storia di Ian Archer, un ragazzo in gamba, ma con un carattere problematico che lo mette spesso nei guai. Dopo l'ennesima zuffa per difendere un suo amico da un bullo, Ian viene espulso dalla scuola, e ovviamente rimproverato dai suoi genitori, in quanto incapace di controllarsi e di costruirsi un futuro in modo adeguato.

Prima serie: [sub-ITA]
1x01 - 1x02 -1x03- 1x04 -1x05 - 1x06 - 1x07 -1x08 -1x09 - [1x10-VideoBB] -[1x11 -VideoBB] -1x12-1x13


Titolo serie: Mia madre
Genere: Drammatico
Totale episodi: 2

La storia racconta l'avventura di una famiglia, compsta da Nunzia, Uccio e dai loro tre bambini che vivono a Cisternino, fino a quando il capofamiglia decide di trasferirsi a fare l'operaio alla FIAT a Torino, lasciando invece figli e moglie in Puglia. Ben presto però la donna, dopo essersi salvata da un tentato stupro, decide di trasferirsi con i figli a Torino per raggiungere il marito. Lì la vita di Nunzia non è rosea come sperava, fra le difficoltà per trovare un alloggio in affitto e l'amicizia con una giovane, che verrà poi violentata da tre uomini i quali la faranno pure franca. Un giorno Uccio, per salvare un collega, subisce un grave incidente sul lavoro e dopo alcuni giorni in ospedale muore... Testo da wikipedia

[Parte 1-Duckload] - [Parte 2-Duckload-Novamov-Videoweed]

Winner of Six Tarts from Shabby Sheep Prims PLus More News!

CONGRATULATIONS to lucky No. 35...Samantha! I will be sending you an email shortly. You have 48 hours to respond. Please include the scent choices from the NOTES section of the Shabby Sheep Prims Facebook page.
Thanks to all who entered. As promised, there are going to be many more giveaways posted in the next few days. My youngest son has had double ear infections and I am so behind on things, but I will get them posted, as he is doing a lot better this morning!
Plus, don't forget about my 12 Days of Christmas event that I am co-hosting with A to Z For Moms Like Me! Click HERE for full details.


Titolo serie: Riese - Kingdom Falling
Anno: 2010
Genere: Fantasy
Totale episodi: in corso..

Prima serie: [sub-ITA]
Episodio 1-Episodio 2-Episodio 3-Episodio 4-Episodio 5-Episodio 6-Episodio 7-Episodio 8-Episodio 9-Episodio 10

Sensational Sunday Follows

It's that time again - to link up your blog, Facebook, Twitter, and list your giveaways! Also a NEW TWIST on this: If you leave me a comment on this blog post after you have followed, you will be entered into a drawing performed by Random.org on each Wednesday of the week. If your number is drawn, then you will be featured on the upcoming Sunday's Follow. I will email you and you will be No. 2 on the spot with a promotion of your blog!

List your blogs here:

List your giveaways here:

List your Facebook page here:

List your Twitter page here:

12 Days of Christmas Event - Full Details

Join me and A to Z For Moms Like Me to win giveaways ending December 1st- 12th.

If you have a giveaway ending in this time frame you can list it here to get more traffic for your blog and, hey, I would like to enter them too! =)


In order to enter or post a giveaway you MUST follow both hosts: Harvest For Tomorrow (me) and A to Z for Moms Like Me.

Post our Giveaway button above on your blog or website.

All giveaways must end between December 1st to 12th.

To submit your giveaway email: Amy at aesnyder at suddenlink.net or Jodee at jodeemason at gmail. We will be posting the link very soon!


Winner of the Frito Lay Fan Pack

Congratulations to lucky No. 88 - sassy2. You are the winner. Please respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen. You did not leave your email address so I am unable to contact you.

WOW! I have not been posting much this week but my little fingers will be busy today - LOTS to post! So keep check on the new giveaways coming up soon PLUS my 12 Days of Christmas Event.

To All Veteran's - Past, Present & Future - We HONOR you!

I would like to personally "thank" all Veterans - past, present, and future, for risking your lives for our country and our freedom! You give so unselfishly of yourself, your time, and your family. May God bless each of you and have his hands shielding you from harm. May He comfort you during your times of mental struggle. And, may He comfort you during your hardest trials. God bless each and every one of you and your families today and ALWAYS!

Winner of Whole Coupon Insert 10-pack Combo

Congratulations to: Lucky No. 3 - Lynn at rawrms@..... You have 48 hours to respond to my email or another winner will be chosen.

Thanks to all who entered! And I will be posting some new giveaways and reviews tonight! And get ready for a post tomorrow about my 12 Days of Christmas event that myself, along with another fellow blogger, has in store!


Titolo serie: Single Father
Anno: 2010
Totale episodi: 4
Genere: Drama

Prima Stagione [Sub-ITA]
1x01 Part 1-1x02 Part 2- 1x03 Part 3 - 1x04 Part 4


Titolo serie: Downton Abbey
Totale episodi: 7
Anno: 2010
Genere: Drama, Family, History

Prima stagione: [sub-ITA]
[Ep 01-Duckload] -[Ep 02-Duckload]-[03-Duckload]-[04-Duckload]-[Ep 05-Duckload]-[Ep 06-Duckload]-[07-Duckload]

Winner For Rock N Learns Money and Making Change DVD

Congratulations to lucky No.4 ....

Lesley said...FB stalker...(stalking paid off for you this time - HA!) =)
I am sending an email now and you have 48 hours to respond.

Thanks to all who entered. I have several other giveaways going on now and more to come very soon!

ALSO - DO NOT FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK AN HOUR! Yippe an hour of extra sleep!


Whole Coupon Inserts Review and Giveaway

Have you noticed how much it costs when you go to the grocery store these days? It takes a lot of $$$$$$ just for a few bags of groceries! I used to get discouraged whenever it was shopping day because of the money that was going to be spent - that is until I started really using coupons. You can save A LOT of money by using coupons! But you have to be smart with them. If you take a little extra time to match up sales, you can come out way ahead and without spending so much of your hard earned money. That is why I was excited when Whole Coupon Inserts allowed me to review their products. Okay - I was EXTREMELY excited. I am like a coupon maniac! People that are behind me at the grocery store always have "this" particular look on their faces - that is until they see how much I saved on my bill and a lot of times I have had people to comment about how much I saved and then their attitude changes into disbelief! Here is one recent example:

I received a 10-pack from Whole Coupon Inserts and inside I found a coupon for: Buy any Secret product and get $5.00 off of any Oil of Olay body wash or lotion. I took three along with me as I was not for sure if they would allow me to use more than one coupon on this deal. (I am going tomorrow and using the other 7 - seriously!). So I went to my local Wal-Mart and they had Secret deodorant for $1.74. And they had their Oil of Olay full-sized body washes for $5.00 - you know where I am going with this, don't you? So here is what I got for the total of $5.53 (tax included):

I thought that was an AMAZING deal! I was so excited! And YOU can get deals like that to by purchasing coupons from Whole Coupon Inserts. Here is a little bit about them:

  • They provide you a way to purchase manufacturer coupons without paying for clipping services.
  • They pride themselves on having the best coupons inserts at the best prices.
  • Their coupon inserts are from large Sunday newspapers. Most inserts will have 65-95 coupons.
  • They list the coupons in each insert so you will know just what you are getting.
  • They find the best inserts and you do the cutting. This is a great way to get the best coupons without paying for clipping services that you don't need.
  • In a lot of cases you can buy coupon inserts from them cheaper than purchasing the Sunday newspaper. No purchasing limits! No processing fees!
  • You can make your order by Friday and have your coupons on Monday!
  • One example of a 10-pack they have right now is you buy a pack of 10 coupons for $2.00 - this is where you buy a 30 oz. drink from Kentucky Fried Chicken and you get their new Doublicious chicken sandwich free! (Okay - I have used a few of mine and taxes and drink only come to $1.91). Haha - I told you I use coupons like crazy! I almost never make a purchase (fast food or regular shopping) without using a coupon. And for $2.00 for the 10 coupons on this deal is almost the price of ONE drink!!! You will not find a better deal anywhere else!


Whole Coupon Inserts has not only given me several 10-pack combos to review and try out (oh and I am enjoying these so much!!!) but they are so wonderful that they are giving one of my lucky readers a chance to win an upcoming 10-pack combo as well. This will be for Nov. 14th coupon inserts.*Thank you Whole Coupon Inserts for allowing me to offer this review and giveaway!



1. Tell me anything about coupons.

2. Giveaway ends on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).

3. Open to U.S. residents.

1. If you are not already following me on my blog via GFC, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter entries equals FOUR.

4. Follow me on Facebook here.

5. Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one you entered.

6. Go HERE to Whole Coupon Inserts and tell me something what combo pack you would like to get.

Make sure you leave your email address in all comments so, if you are the winner, I can contact you.

**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

Shabby Sheep Prims Tart Giveaway

Okay -so you guys know that my Facebook online store will be opening soon. The original grand opening date was November 13, 2010 but I think that I may be able to open as early as Tuesday or Wednesday of the upcoming week! I am very excited about this!

I have developed my Facebook page - all that is left to do is add the actual products (which will be done on opening day). So I thought I would have a giveaway of 6 tarts to start off the celebration! But there will be more giveaways going throughout the week via the Shabby Sheep Prims Facebook page so make sure you keep check on it.
And these are highly scented tarts and they are nice sized as well!



1. Visit Shabby Sheep Prims Facebook online store by clicking HERE and tell me what scents you would like to try (you can find the list of scents in the note section). Also you must LIKE my page! =)

2. Giveaway ends on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).

3. Open to U.S. residents.

1. If you are not already following me on my blog via GFC, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter entries equals FOUR.

4. Follow Harvest For Tomorrow on Facebook here.
5. Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one you entered.
Make sure you leave your email address in all comments so, if you are the winner, I can contact you.

5 Best Web Sites To Get Answers For Medical Questions

5 Best Web Sites To Get Answers For Medical Questions

When you want answers to medical questions then you go to a medical professional. At least you do this once you manage to get an appointment. In the meantime or if you just want to know the answer to a medical question out of curiosity then you can surf the web to find your answer. Here are the 5 best web sites to get answers for medical questions.


OmniMedicalSearch prides itself on providing reliable information, which is always something you want from a site that gives answers to medical questions. It also provides you with information from a number of different sources so you can see what these different sources say about your question. This site can access up to 12 separate search engines at the same time to deliver your results. This site is one of the best to get answers to medical questions just because of its ability to return you with a wide range of reliable answers.


HealthFinder is a site that comes from the US Department for Health and Human Services. You can find your answers in several ways on this site. You can look for answers in the encyclopedia that contains more than 1,600 health topic entries or you can just do a general search. And once you are ready to ask a medical professional in person then you can use this site to find a doctor too.


Healthline is another search engine that is dedicated to helping people find information on medical topics. You can use Healthline to search for a specific health condition or to work to narrow down what condition you might have by inputting your symptoms. Many times people with medical questions want to know about their own symptoms and conditions so these options are a big help. You can also do a general search of the site or just browse through the condition sites that are most visited. The videos and articles on how to manage certain medical conditions are great too.


WebMD is perhaps the most popular medical information web site out there. The information that it provides is trustworthy and accessible to all readers. It doesn't talk over your head but it doesn't talk down to you either. Whether your medical question pertains to health problems or how to avoid them, WebMD can give you the information you need. This site is interesting, informative, and invaluable whenever you have a medical question.


PubMed is a site from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. It proudly offers more than 20 million citations from biomedical literature and these citations often direct you to the full texts that correspond with these citations. This is an impressive resource.

These are undoubtedly the 5 best web sites to get answers for medical questions. Of course, you should always talk to a doctor if the answer will affect your health but these sites can help you to understand whatever you are interested in or what is really going on. Or at least to guess what's going on until you can know for sure.

T Rheinecker writes about how to get into family nurse practitioner programs.

**This was a paid sponsored post.**

Great Things To Come

I have a lot going on and some wonderful things to talk about. It is after 2 a.m. so I am going to keep it short and sweet, but will go into more detail later.
  1. In case you missed a few posts back, I will be launching my Facebook Store, Shabby Sheep Prims, and the target opening date will be November 13, 2010. I already have the Facebook store page set up, so please click HERE and "like" my page. I will be having multiple giveaways leading up to the store opening and I will be offering discounts, as well as a few more giveaways during my first week of opening. Feel free to share the link and page with your friends. I will be specializing in candle tarts (highly scented) and a few primitive decor - all handmade by me. =)

  2. I have some awesome giveaways coming up: One in particular is 10 (ten) copies of each coupon insert that is included in the upcoming Sunday's paper. I meant to get this giveaway started a few days ago but I am hoping to get my review and giveaway started later today (Thursday). It is an awesome giveaway! You can save LOADS of money with TEN copies of each circular!!!!

  3. I have some great reviews - The Christmas Carol popup book - an AWESOME BOOK! I have NEVER seen a popup book like this before and a classic tale - you will want to see this pictures! Plus, I was able to review the Soda Stream - this is a product that allows you to make your own soda pop from your own home and within just a few minutes of your time! Not to mention, I will be telling you about a wonderful under the desk rug that is a heater!

Anyhow, TONS of exciting things coming up.....oh, but wait!!! Here is something more...Myself, along with another wonderful blogger, will be hosting our 12 Days of Christmas Event to be held from Dec. 8th through Dec. 20th. Watch for details and teasers about that - our blog button will be coming soon so share the button love if you are a blogger.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!!!!

Winner of The Law of the Garbage Truck


Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in the drawing of the giveaway for The Law of the Garbage Truck. The winner is...

Amanda said... 15
I follow on twitter as frugalmomto4. #1

I will be contacting you soon, Amanda. You will have 48 hours to respond.


Titolo serie: Black Books
Genere: Sit-com
Durata: 3^stagione


Black Books è una sitcom britannica trasmessa su Channel 4.
La serie è incentrata sull'abitudine che Bernard ha di evitare contatti con il mondo esterno e le persone che lo abitano, ad eccezione della sua vecchia amica Fran Katzenjammer. Bernard mostra scarso entusiasmo o interesse negli affari (o. praticamente, in nient'altro che sia bere, leggere e fumare) e si rifiuta di interagire con qualsiasi persona al di fuori della sua libreria. Molti episodi sono incentrati sui tentativi condotti da Manny e Fran per cercare di forzarlo a condurre uno stile di vita più accettabile sul piano della socialità. Malgrado i loro tentativi, e il grande carisma di Manny in ambito sociale, tutti i loro sforzi finiscono sistematicamente senza portare alcun risultato, e loro, in primis, vengono risucchiati dalla visione nichilista che Bernard ha del mondo.
La serie si distingue per il suo surreale senso dell'umorismo, in particolar modo per quanto riguarda lo stato del negozio: è infatti frequentemente rappresentato con un elevato e anti-igienico livello di sporcizia, indicato in un episodio dai molluschi che vivono nelle condutture e, in un altro addirittura da un tasso morto sul pavimento

Stagione 1 [ITA]
1x01 -02 Il Secondo giorno di Manny -03 Il vino proibito -04 Caffè -05 La grande serrata -06 La fuga di Manny

Stagione 1 [Eng_SubIta]
1x01 Cooking the Books
1x02 Manny's First Day
1x03 Grapes of Wrath
1x04 The Blackout
1x05 The Big Lockout
1x06 He's Leaving Home -Veoh-

Stagione 2 [Ita]
2x01 -02 La Sindrome di Dave-03 Fran il comandante-04 Parenti Serpenti -05 Terapia incrociata-06 Una lunga vacanza

Stagione 3 [ITA]
3x01 -02 L'elefante e il palloncino-03 Visita a sorpresa-04 La febbre del gioco-05 L'affascinante Jason-06 La confessione

Stop By Shabby Sheep Prims - My New Facebook Store!

So I have been working on making my own candle tarts for the past month because, let's face it, I spend a lot of money on buying them. And I get so upset if I try new ones and they smell really good...until they start melting in the tartburner and it is like the scent evaporates! So I decided to try my hand at making them...and I think they have turned out rather nicely! Here is a trial set that I made the other night:

Oh they are not perfect, nor will they ever be perfect, but as long as the scent is strong and nice - that is what counts, right? =)

I will be selling the tarts as follows:

  • 1 for $1.00
  • 3 for $2.50
  • 6 for $5.00
  • 12 for $10.00
  • Anything over 12, I will offer discounts - just email me.

I will also be selling homemade primitive signs (smaller ones) and switchplate covers, as well as a few odds and ends.

Anyway, click HERE and "like" my Shabby Sheep Prim Facebook page. My store opening date is set for November 13, 2010 (fingers crossed), and if I get at least 200 followers by then, I will have a nice giveaway! But I am still going to have discounts and a giveaway to my pre-followers! Tell your friends!

And, by the way, I will be taking 10% of all sales and donate towards a charity each month. For November 13, 2010 until December 10, 2010, I will be donating to my local Toys For Tots Foundation! Every child needs a Christmas present....


Titoslo serie: Psychoville
Totale episodi: 7
Genere: Black comedy - Thriller

Inghilterra. Paesini diversi. Gente apparentemente comune, che si dimostra essere invischiata in uno strano e contorto mistero. Un uomo misterioso li stà ricattando cosa vorrà.. Tra Clown tragici, Nani superumani, e pazzi di ogni genere Psychoville, questa piccola serie anglosassone vi lascerà col fiato mozzato...

Prima stagione (subita)
01 Black Mail-02 Lomax-03 Jelly-04 David and Maureen-05 Joy-06 Robert-07 Ravenhill -Halloween Special

Winner of Mimi Galore Store Drawing!

Congratulations to lucky No. 27 -

Anonymous said... 27
I love the "I'm a cutter," sewing crafting shears illustration.

I will send an email out shortly. You will have 48 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen.

Thanks to all who entered and remember I have three more giveaways going one ending tomorrow (11/02). Be sure to enter and stay tuned for upcoming posts about my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!


Titolo serie: Sotto il cielo di Roma
Puntate/episodi: 2
Una mini-serie che non racconta l'intero Pontificato di Eugenio Pacelli, ma solo i suoi nove mesi più cruciali: quelli in cui Roma fu invasa dai nazisti che deportarono gli ebrei nei campi di concentramento.

[Parte Prima-Duckload] - [Parte seconda-Duckload]


Titolo serie: I Robinson
Titolo originale: The Cosby Show
Periodo di messa in onda: 1984-1992
Serie totali: 8
Episodi totali: 201


In realta , il cognome della famiglia è Huxtable, difficile da ricordare nei paesi di lingua latina. Il protagonista è Cliff, ginecologo, sposato con Clair, avvocato, e padre di cinque figli di eta diversa. Negli anni, il cast si arricchira di svariati altri personaggi ma non perdera mai il suo punto di forza: storie realistiche raccontate col sorriso sulle labbra.

Prima stagione:

Episodio pilota
Il signor pesce
Un brutto sogno
Quello è mio figlio
Una storia breve
Rompere le tradizioni
Ancora una volta
Provaci ancora Vanessa
Ma quanto è strano questo
Bentornata Sandra
Stanotte non sei una mamma
La piccola malata
La festa del papà
Il giorno dell'indipendenza
Medico dell'anno
Il ballo
Una questione di fiducia
Il progetto di scienze
Il caso Clair
Bentornato in pista
La giovane donna
Il pigiama party
Mr. Quiet
Il compleanno di Cliff

Seconda Stagione:
Primo giorno di scuola
Niente più pinguini
Buon anniversario
Maschio è bello
Troppo crudo per una cotta
Rudy superstar
La patente
Frattura rottura
I giovani del coro
La principessa del potere
Il pullover
Una tragedia americana
Il dentista novellista
Jazz band
Un fortunato incidente
I generi
La ricerca
Fiocco rosa
Il mondo del lavoro
Partita a quattro
Staffetta con sorpresa
Una scelta sofferta

Terza stagione:
Prendeteli vivi
Dieta a sorpresa
Nozze d'oro
Discorsi da uomini
Allarme antincendio
La marcia
Puzzole in volo
Batteria da cucina
Brutti voti
Vita da cani
Storie di guerra
L'orso Ugo e il lupo Ernesto
Il mostro e la puffetta
Il club degli uomini
Mammiferi costosi
Commedia in tre atti
Il circo Robinson
Addio al celibato
Il compleanno di Cliff
Frizzi e lazzi
L'influenza Andalusa
Patatine e hamburger
Cerimonia d'addio

Quarta Stagione:
1. Due cuori e una stamberga
2. Un processo in famiglia
3. È arrivato l'autunno
4. Il trapano del terrore
5. Shakespeare
6. Litigio in famiglia
7. Le pasticche della Duchessa
8. I ricordi del passato - Parte 1
9. I ricordi del passato - Parte 2
10. Zucche in gara
11. Il vecchio e il nuovo
12. L'assistente del mago
13. Vauderville
14. La riunione metaforica
15. I cimbali del veggente
16. Un grande amico
17. Mazze e mazzieri
18. L'idraulico
19. C'era una volta
20. Donne e motori
21. L'indovinello
22. Bentornata Denise
23. Ballo di fine corso
24. Pesca a sorpresa

Quinta Stagione

5x01 - Abbasso la scuola
5x02 - Visita di controllo
5x03 - Nemica amica
5x04 - I consigli del piccione
5x05 - Il frullo del grillo
5x06 - Tutti in sala party - Parte 1
5x07 - Tutti in sala party - Parte 2
5x08 - Ragazze dudu
5x09 - Le ombrette
5x10 - La cavalcata di Claire
5x11 - Il vice criceto
5x12 - Per un'ora d'amore
5x13 - Monologo serale
5x14 - Effetto terra terra
5x15 - Via di casa
5x16 - Il nonno neonato
5x17 - La scrofa gentile
5x18 - Occhio al malocchio
5x19 - Canestro maldestro
5x20 - Adamo contro Eva
5x21 - Un bacio artistico
5x22 - Come eravamo
5x23 - Furie scatenate
5x24 - La piuma di gallina
5x25 - Caccia ai gemelli
5x26 - Fritto misto

Sesta Stagione
6x01 - Nuovi cuccioli
6x02 - Fuori tutti
6x03 - Alcool a catinelle
6x04 - Paura di volare
6x05 - Dalle stalle alle stelle
6x06 - Colpi di sole
6x07 - Scuola di ballo
6x08 - Papà vulcano
6x09 - L'uomo venuto dal freddo
6x10 - Nuore, generi, suoceri
6x11 - Controllo a distanza
6x12 - Piacere di conoscerti
6x13 - Il gelo della gelosia
6x14 - La miccia della salsiccia
6x15 - Consigli e conigli
6x16 - Caccia al triciclo
6x17 - Rapsodia in Blues
6x18 - Le pentole senza i coperchi
6x19 - L'asso ballerino
6x20 - Gli ultimi romantici
6x21 - Panni sporchi
6x22 - Vacanza lampo
6x23 - Fuga da Brooklyn
6x24 - Il capriccio pasticcio
6x25 - Impara l'arte
6x26 - Ricordi al cioccolato

Settima Stagione
7x01 - Tutti fuori
7x02 - Notte in Tunisia
7x03 - Strip barbecue
7x04 - Gli affari di cioccolato
7x05 - Padri e figli
7x06 - Girando girando
7x07 - Sesso confesso - Parte 1
7x08 - Sesso confesso - Parte 2
7x09 - L'ultima donna Puntata introvabile
7x10 - Lo squalo infuriato
7x11 - Canestro maledetto
7x12 - Il tempo delle mele
7x13 - Traslocando traslocando
7x14 - Sotto esame
7x15 - Mai arrendersi
7x16 - Controllo totale
7x17 - Il trofeo
7x18 - Cuoco per sempre
7x19 - Serata a quattro
7x20 - Una cena per due
7x21 - Brodo di lucertole
7x22 - Rudy contro Olivia
7x23 - Alla Regina
7x24 - Nemici per la pelle
7x25 - Scuola di vita - Parte 1
7x26 - Scuola di vita - Parte 2

Ottava Stagione
8x01 - Begonie d'amore
8x02 - Muto come un pescecane
8x03 - Sorvegliata a vista
8x04 - Amiche del cuore
8x05 - Galeotto il galeone
8x06 - È chiaro a tutti
8x07 - All'ultimo minuto
8x08 - Theo l'imprenditore
8x09 - Per soli uomini
8x10 - Cercasi disperatamente Olivia
8x11 - Mappe emotive
8x12 - Viva la libertà
8x13 - Theo a San Francisco
8x14 - Al gran risparmio
8x15 - Amici per la pelle
8x16 - Mangiare, bere, fidarsi
8x17 - Viva i diavoletti
8x18 - I papà non si scelgono
8x19 - Biografia di un grande uomo
8x20 - Giallo come un cappello
8x21 - Dottori e tutori
8x22 - Salsa latina
8x23 - Detrazioni e sottrazioni
8x24 - Il lungo addio - Parte 1 - 8x25 - Il lungo addio - Parte 2


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