Be Safe For The New Year - Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving!

With being on the eve of New Year's Eve, a lot of people have already started their New Years celebrations. Please everyone, take that extra minute and grab the keys from someone that has had something to drink. It may end in confrontation, but that will be dissolved the next day. And I would rather have a nights worth of confrontation on my hands than someone's death or crippledness due to me not taking action.
So many lives are lost due to buzzed/drunk driving. Senseless and sad. So please take the time and do your part to save a life or lives this New Years season.

In 2008, nearly 12,000 people in the U.S. were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes - and during the periods around Christmas and New Year's, this number was particularly high, with 316 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2007, 162,493 women were arrested for a DUI, an increase of almost 29% since 1998. You can't help but wonder if lives could have been saved if people thought twice before getting behind the wheel. With the holidays approaching, it's important that drivers be reminded about the dangers of buzzed driving. Who could save a life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed.

Please listen to Emily's story about how Buzzed Driving changed her life. Feel free to share this video and the following information with anyone that this may help.
To view, click HERE.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed. You can follow Buzzed Driving on Twitter (@buzzeddriving) and Facebook ( to get the latest updates and news.

You can also visit the Buzzed Driving website HERE where readers can sign a pledge to not drive buzzed, play an interactive game which demonstrates the difference between buzzed and drunk, and hear personal stories from people who have driven buzzed.

Have a safe and happy New Year, and remember that buzzed driving IS drunk driving!!!

24 LONG-STEMMED MULTICOLORED ROSES FOR $24.99 is offering this great deal!!! They are absolutely beautiful and you cannot even buy a single rose at a store for less than $1.00. Click on the link here to check out this wonderful deal! What a great surprise your loved one would get --and what a great deal you would get too! Plus you get 75 Fresh Rewards Points for this...everyone is a winner!

The Holidays Are Over

I am way behind on some product reviews, freebies, and tons of other things. Hopefully I can get back on track this week!

For all of the winners on Zoodles, hang in there with me. I am submitting your names and information today.

For everyone else, I hope you had a nice Christmas and hope the new year brings new traditions and great memories.

Be on the lookout for upcoming reviews and great deals! We need to make 2010 a year of frugality - with this economy, there really is no other way!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here is wishing, from my family to yours, a healthy and happy CHRISTmas season! With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, we sometimes forget the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus' birth.

Do not be sad about a material item that you did not receive or that you were not able to give. Just remember the greatest gift of all has already been given to each and every one of us - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It was on today, December 25th, that a King was born and the time should be reflected on that glorious moment!

Merry Christmas and wishing you peace, joy, and true happiness for many years to come!


Click here to signup to receive a mystery bag. It could contain a watch, coupons, and more. It looks like they have some really nice watches!

With Christmas coming up in the next few days, we ALL need to take advantage of this offer. Click here to sign up for Staples Rewards and when you buy a 20-pack of Duracell batteries for $12.99, you receive $12.99 back in Staples Rewards on your next purchase - limit 2.

Click here top check out the list. These are a steal!


I just happened to come across this diet. (Well, I know. It is getting ready to be a new year, LOTS of extra pounds to lose, I was looking in the area of diets but found this)....Does that sound better? =)

Anyhow, I found this site and I flipped through the beginning pages of this e-book and it sounds like this could really work! This is going to be my new diet for the upcoming year. It just makes sense what it is saying.

This is not a review, because I have yet to try it, but it says it promotes a healthier you for, of course, losing weight, people with joint problems, asthma and/or other breathing problems, fatigue, digestive problems, and diabetics!

I am unsure how long the free e-book deal is going to last but you can get your copy by clicking here.

If anyone has tried this thus far (even though it is relatively new), please comment. But I am actually excited from just the few pages that I have read so far.


Today only!

Click here and register to get your pictures and stickers! Great deal! Plus check out the rest of their great offers.


This holiday season 1-800-FLOWERS has created a Secret Santa program on Facebook as part of a fundraiser for Toys for Tots. All you have to do is fill in the person's name of who you are sending this Secret Santa message to, their e-mail address, and type in your message - but be careful NOT to give any details away...Let them keep guessing! That is, until Dec. 21, 2009, when it will be revealed who their Secret Santa is! Plus, you will get an offer to take 15% off of a purchase. Even though no purchase is required to send a Secret Santa message, it would be great to purchase something - you get a discount but, more importantly, you are helping out a needy child!

To spread the word, 1-800-FLOWERS has asked Global Influence bloggers to post about this fun Facebook program to raise $5,000 for Toys for Tots.

Click here for more information -->

Let's remember to GIVE this CHRISTmas season!


Here you go - the list of Freebies for Wednesday!!!!!

***FREE "IN GOD WE STILL TRUST" BOOK*** (I like the name by the way) is offering a FREE book titled "In God We Still Trust" get yours, click here -->

This code is reported to have worked at many locations, but I am unsure about the expiration date....use code ACME26. Also, if you haven't used the code DVDONME than you can use that one. I know it works at Walgreen locations. And, you can also try GANTS9. This has been reported to work at most locations also.

Click here --> to get your FREE subscription to BabyTalk magazine. Babytalk has all the information expectant and new parents want and need from health and safety issues to the latest and greatest products for baby. And it's yours FREE! (You will never receive a bill.)

Books-A-Million currently has hundreds of titles available for $1.77, including many classic children's books!

-- Click here --> and click on the $1.77 Books graphic.

-- Go to the category you're interested in and sort by lowest to highest price to see all the books available which are only $1.77.

-- Check out using coupon code BKLVFREE to get free shipping. (This code can only be used once per customer so if you've used it before, you won't be able to use it again.)

Thanks, Coupon Cravings!


***Aveeno Baby Moisture Shampoo and Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Diaber Rash Cream***

I was given the opportunity to review these products from BzzAgent. If you haven't heard of them, they are great! You can check them out here --->

Anyhow, these products were great! The diaper rash ointment was thick and creamy and it did not wipe off as soon as you applied it. It definitely stayed where it was supposed to stay! It was not greasy at all, but more importantly, it worked quickly. My son is very tender-skinned and in his earlier years, we had a time with diapers and diaper rash. No diaper seemed to work without causing diaper rash. He is a lot better now, but still develops a rash every now and then. And the Aveeno cream worked!

The shampoo was fair. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst. I feel like the scent could have been more appealing, but it did clean his hair which, I guess, is the most important part.

So, on a scale of 1/5, I give the Aveeno Diaper Rash Ointment a 5. On the same scale, I give the Aveeno Baby shampoo a 3/5 due to the scent issue and I really have found other shampoos that I prefer for the little ones at a better bargain.

WINNERS for the Zoodles online 3-month Premium membership!

Hey girls. E-mail me with your e-mail address so I can contact the company - they will be setting up your account for your FREE 3-month Premium membership.

Congratulations to Lesley, Nikki, Angie, Anne, and Mama to 3 boys!!!!

You can contact me at

Again, CONGRATULATIONS, and I hope your children love this as much as mine do!


Hurry folks! Time is running out on this great giveaway to 5 lucky people! See post below for details!


Okay guys! I finally have a Feedburner and I do not see how I have gotten along without it! So, for all of you following, if you want to, you can click on the top right corner to subscribe to my blog by e-mail. This will automatically send you, via e-mail, all blog updates!

You don't want to miss out on these deals, reviews, and giveaways! Subscribe today!


It's holiday party season - time to celebrate all of the exciting winter holidays with our friends and loved ones. Our mailboxes are flooded with invitations to parties and dinners and other holiday get-togethers. With these parties come food, fellowship, gifts, and in many cases, festive alcoholic drinks.

In 2008, nearly 12,000 people in the U.S. were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes - and during the periods around Christmas and New Year's, this number was particularly high, with 316 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. In 2007, 162,493 women were arrested for a DUI, an increase of almost 29% since 1998. You can't help but wonder if lives could have been saved if people thought twice before getting behind the wheel. With the holidays approaching, it's important that drivers be reminded about the dangers of buzzed driving. Who could save a life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Ad Council are asking everyone to drive smart this holiday season and to pledge not to drive buzzed.

To learn more, please check out these websites:

You can also visit the Buzzed Driving website at where you can sign a pledge to not drive buzzed, play an interactive game which demonstrates the difference between buzzed and drunk, and hear personal stories from people who have driven buzzed.

While at holiday events, it's easy to lose track of a drink here or there - but this can be fatal. This holiday season, keep you and your family safe by spreading this message.

Have a safe and happy holiday and remember that buzzed driving IS drunk driving.


If you have not heard about Zoodles, well you have came to the right place! Zoodles is a safe place to play and learn online. Here is a bit about

Zoodles is not your typical web browser. Most sites, you log into and who knows what is going to pop up or be shown on the sidebars - a lot of times, it is something that we do not want our children exposed to. But with Zoodles, they started from scratch and built their own web browser, especially for kids, so it is easy for them to navigate from place to place, and YOU control the content allowed.
By launching the Zoodles icon, your child will enter a full-screen mode that will keep them from exiting and finding inappropriate content and it protects important files that you have on your computer!
My son tried this out and he is hooked. Not only is it fun for him, but he is learning also. And this is not some second-rate website. It is A+ in my book. The games and activities are great! They are not cheesy, nor are they boring. My son has already picked out his favorites - well, at least his favorites of the subjects and games that he has been on. There are so many different activities that he has not been able to see them all yet. Which, in turn, this means that your child will not get bored because there is a HUGE variety of activities on here.
The topics range from reading, math, social studies, science, life skills, etc.
He has came to me multiple times, after I had told him earlier that he has had enough computer time, that "Mommy, I need to learn. I need to do my learning games." And, of course, I can not turn that down! He actually was on a reading and spelling activity and it had one of his spelling words for that week - family. He made 100% on his test and family was the bonus word!!! =) Needless to say, it works!

This would be a fantastic present to any child this Christmas. Click on the link here --> to see how you can go about doing this. Trust me, you will NOT be sorry and what a great gift to give a child - a gift of learning.
Also, you can have limited use of Zoodles on, but why not let your children's learning power go beyond limited. In learning, it should be unlimited! Click here --> to see the difference of free membership and Premium membership.

BUT WAIT...............................................

Zoodles is allowing me to give away 5 FREE 3-month Premium memberships to 5 lucky people!

What do you need to do? Well, it is simple. Just follow my blog on the side bar and comment on here that you did and leave a comment about which subjects your children like in school. It is that simple. The drawing for this will be on Tuesday, December 15th at 3 p.m.
So hurry and tell all of your friends!
I will definitely keep my membership going with Zoodles. I think my son would be very disappointed if I didn't!


I have been swamped with work, which is a good thing! But I just wanted everyone to be on the lookout tonight for some reviews and some GIVEAWAYS!!!! Great learning giveaway for your child in school!

So check back tonight or tomorrow to enter and to read my reviews!

Keep warm everyone!!!! (It is COLD the teens!)

**BOOK REVIEW** - SECRETS GIRLS KEEP by Carrie Silver-Stock

What girls hide and why and how to break the stress of silence....

**Review: I thought this was an excellent book for any preteen, teenager, and even thereafter. I wish that I would have had this book back in my teen years. It has so much logical advice all throughout the book on topics that girls are really relating to at that age. And, as we all know, sometimes we need to know that someone else is going through what you are going through and this book clearly shows that we are not alone.

Also through the book, it has real personal stories and struggles about girls in particular situations, tips and advice for teens BY teens. This book has a long list of topics including abuse, addiction, self image, friendship, grades, and of course....BOYS!

This should be a must-buy for any family member or friend, who is a girl, and is a preteen or teenager. Moms and grandma's - BUY this book for the girl in your life!

I give this book a 5 on a scale of 5/5. Definitely a good read. And, most of all, I think it would be very helpful.

Freebies - Act quickly - some are for today only!

Click here --> and enter the code LATIMESDISNEY to get the complete soundtrack downloaded. This is a family movie so it woulod be great for kids!

Click here -->

Click here -->

Receive a $10 gift card plus FREE shipping with orders of $49 or more at Oriental Trading. To get yours click here --> and enter code WCX8734.

30 RED Roses for $30.00

This is an AMAZING deal! You get 30 red roses for $30.00...not sure when this ends - it just says "hurry - ends soon" on --> I want these myself!


OraMoist: Dry mouth (xerostomia) is an under-diagnosed condition that affects 10% of the U.S. population, and can have a severe effect on oral health, causing tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath due to lack of oral moisture. Dry mouth is a symptom of several medical conditions, such as Sjogren’s Syndrome and diabetes, for example, and is a common side effect of many prescription and over-the-counter medications. In fact, people taking three or more medications have a 60% chance of suffering from dry mouth, making this a more common occurrence in mature adults.

OraMoist Dry Mouth Patch is a revolutionary, time-released, muco-adhesive patch powered by edible natural ingredients that adheres to the roof of the mouth or inside the cheek. As the patch dissolves over two to four hours, it releases ingredients that help increase saliva production alleviating parched, dry mouth. The increased moisture also helps restore a healthy oral environment, a significant benefit for dry mouth sufferers.

OraMoist Dry Mouth Patch has been clinically proven effective in terms of increased saliva production and improved feeling of moistness. Suggested retail price is $9.99 for a box of 16 patches; available at Rite Aid, Albertson’s LLC and Raley’s, and online at A printable coupon and store locator is also available on the Web sites.


Upon my review, I feel that this product delivers as described! It is right on with everything that it promises to do. I am a chronic sufferer of dry mouth due to medication. Well, dry mouth is NO more for me. This tiny little tablet that attaches to the roof of your mouth works instantly! I acually think that my mouth began to water before I placed it in there, knowing what it was in store for! =)

This is sugar-free and alcohol-free so this would be a great product for any diabetic. Also, with the constant flow of saliva that it produces, this would provide better oral health rather than having a constant dry mouth.

It was a little tricky the first time that I applied it though - it was slipping and sliding all over the place, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to place it perfectly and securely on the roof of my mouth - and I wear a partial and it did not interfere with that at all. I was also amazed at how well it stayed in place throughout the time. Very secure.

The taste was okay - I would have been more happy if it was cherry flavored but, nonetheless, it was not a bad taste at all - similar in the lines of a lime flavor, which aided in fresh breath!

So, in conclusion, for anyone who suffers from dry mouth due to a chronic problem or medication-related problem, you MUST get this product. It solves it immediately. The price is very affordable. My rating on this product on a 5/5 scale would definitely be a 5!!!!

Freebie Monday!!!

I love this offer. You can get 2 FREE Gooseberry Patch Fall cookbooks - either as an eBook or as a hard print copy - I opted for the hard print copy. You can get yours by clicking here --->

Click here ---> to get your free sample. This web page looks nice. I am excited to try it.

This is a great deal! Must purchase on here -->

Otherwise, you can get 30% off of your entire purchase by using code: WW39241 - but this must be used by November 30, 2009.

If you like primitive or country decor at exceptional prices, click here and you will find some amazing deals. I, myself, love the primitive look and like this website. Up until December 2, 2009, you can use code TW352 to get free shipping of your order.

More to come later! And don't forget to check out your favorite websites as today is CYBERMONDAY!!!!


Okay folks - I am back to regular blogging again. I did, indeed, survive the move. Here is today's list of values...ENJOY!

***KODAK GALLERY*** Offers good until December 2, 2009
This is a great deal! You can purchase their small autofill photobook (where you decide which pics go in the book and they print the book out for you) is 50% off at $4.99 - use COUPON CODE: SUPERBOOK. You can get a picture mousepad for 50% off at $4.99 - use COUPON CODE: SUPERMOUSE. You can get 10 full photo note cards for 65% off at $4.90 - use COUPON CODE: SUPERCARD. If these weren't enough for you, if you spend $50 or more, you can get an ADDITIONAL 25% off by using COUPON CODE: HOLIDAY. Visit their website by clicking here --->

***FREE SHIPPING AT JCPENNEY'S*** Offer good until November 3o, 2009
Spend $25 or more online and use COUPON CODE: 25MERRY to get the free shipping. Click here to start shopping --->

I bought a recent copy of Family Circle magazine and there is a coupon in there for $5 off of any $5 purchase in the store. I really like these kind of deals. This means FREE!! Also, here is a list of other magazines, in alphabetical order, that I know of that offers this coupon as well.

Better Homes and Garden Country Living – December/January, after Page 96
Family Circle – after Page 48
Martha Stewart Living – December, Page 74
Oprah – December, Page 119
Parents – between Pages 84 and 85
Real Simple – December
Southern Living – December, insert after Page 62
Taste Of Home – December/January, insert after Page 42
Woman’s Day – December, Page 33

Wal-Mart Thanksgiving Day Only Online Specials

So while we are in the midst of cooking of bountiful Thanksgiving dinner, Wal-Mart is offering TODAY ONLY some online specials. Click the link to see the deals -->

I am all unpacked, well mostly, so my blog will be updated on a regular basis again. The move was definitely a MOVE -- but I am thankful for it!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To Be Continued Next Week!

Sooooo - I am in the middle of a move, which leads me to not having much time to blog. I hate that! But I should be up and running on a normal schedule next week - that is if this move does not kill me first!

I have a great amount of product reviews coming up! So be on the lookout for those! Also, be on the lookout for great bargins during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season! We all know what next Friday is ****DRUM ROLL PLEASE****!!!!!

Until next week!

Remember Their Sacrifice

Today is Veteran's Day. A time to reflect on what we can achieve, what we can experience, and what we can contribute due to the protectiveness that our American soldiers supply to us each and every day. If it were not for them, we would be living in a non-free country. And, to me, that is frightening.

We cannot possibly know the sacrifice that each and every soldier gives for US - that is unless we have a husband or a wife, a son or a daughter in the military - then we would know all too well about the word sacrifice.

I personally would like to thank all military families for your sacrifice - not just today but every day. You give away family milestones, you give away your time, and some ultimately give away their lives for us. No phrase could ever say "thank you" enough, but hope you take the humble phrase and know that we care and appreciate everything you and your family continue to do for us.
Here are some special deals for anyone serving in the military and also for Veterans. Enjoy your day!

**Veterans and active duty military eat free at Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Restaurants this Veterans Day. Show up in uniform or bring a U.S. Uniform Services Identification Card, U.S. Uniform Services Retired Identification Card, Current Leave Statement, Veterans Organization Card or a photograph of yourself in uniform. Information:

**Pizzeria Uno Chicago Grill invites all members of the military who show up in uniform or with a service or veteran's ID to enjoy a buy-one-get-one free entree or individual pizza on Veteran's Day. Information:

On Wednesday, Sam's Club stores across the country will distribute 25,000 Hugo brand canes free to military veterans in need of mobility assistance. Sam's Club membership is not required, but proof of service is. (Available while supplies last; limited quantities per store.)
Since 2004, national organization Grace For Vets has honored veterans and service personnel with free car washes on Veterans Day. Hundreds of car wash businesses participate including dozens of Connecticut business. Check for locations.

Military brides can say "I do" to a free designer wedding gown on Veteran's Day. Camille Bridal Couture in West Hartford has joined up with Brides Across America, a national organization dedicated to providing free gowns to military brides-to-be. To qualify, brides must be engaged to be married, be on active duty in the military and have served in Iraq or Afghanistan or have a fiance on active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan. Proof of service includes military ID or copy of deployment papers or orders. (You don't have to live in the area where the giveaway is taking place. Dresses are distributed on a first-come-first serve basis.) Call Camille Bridal Couture at 860-233-1203 for information or visit

Foxwoods Resort Casino salutes the United States military with thousands of free show tickets for "Cirque Dreams," "Holidaze Spectacular," "Hairspray," and "Legends in Concert." Tickets are available for select dates in November, December and January. All Armed Forces members, retired veterans and military families are eligible. The giveaway is being handled through the Tickets and Tours office at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton. (You'll have to show up in person and present ID to get tickets, which are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Eligible recipients can get up to four tickets per show.) For information, contact Norma Walters at 860-694-3238.Entrance to national parks, historic battlefields and forests is free on Wednesday and not just for servicemen and women.

This year, the National Park Service is waiving admission fees for all visitors in honor of Veteran's Day. Many of the sites, including Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, have special events planned to mark the occasion.

You can send free Veteran's Day e-cards at, and

And, finally, let us not forget to give the most important gift of all to our soldiers - let us give them our prayers!

Happy Veteran's Day!

REVIEW - The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville

I just finished The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville and what a great book! She shows the importance of respect in so many different ways - from relationships to business to children. It is all there. And she writes the book in which the words stay deep within your soul.

There were so many things that I enjoyed about the book. One, for instance, is all throughout the book there are quotes written alongside the pages - and these are not just words written on paper - these are quotes to ponder on, to learn from. One of my favorite quotes from her book: "Discipline doesn't break a child's spirit as often as the lack of it breaks a parents heart."

I loved her interviews and scenario stories that she had with others in her particular chapters. She would describe a certain "respect" and then she would show how it has helped someone else along.

This book is right on the money! I feel that if everyone would pick this book up, read it, let the words sink into our hearts, this world would be much more respectful! And, there is POWER IN RESPECT!

The Value of Being Grateful For What You Have

We are surrounded by lack - the lack of money to buy gas for our cars, the lack of time to make more money and a lack of gratitude for what we have. Fortunate or not we can always be worse off than we are now and somebody always has it worse than we do. The best way for us to value our present day happiness and gratitude for what we have is to live up to our potential. I don't know any happy people who can't pay their mortgage yet they are happy. If you can't pay your mortgage you can't be happy but you can be grateful if you can afford to rent another house or an apartment. Happiness is earned and it will never come to you no matter how much money you have. Being grateful for what you have is mandatory if you are ever to be happy.

If you can't pay your mortgage it's a good time to change your life and change is always energizing. Energy is what you need in the face of a challenge that is detrimental to your values and threatens your lifestyle. If you can't pay your mortgage, not living in your dream home, or if you are currently renting, be grateful that you can start to improve your plight today. Possessing the values of being happy and grateful for what you have are character traits you fall back on when times are hard. If you don't value being happy even in the darkest times you will never be grateful for long. Happiness is what you have before, during and after you don't have money or had your home foreclosed on. It is not possible to be happy 100% of the time but we must try at least 98% to come out of our funk, shake it off, buck up and regroup.

Gratitude and the practice of being grateful allows you to focus on only positive issues that can help you get through a bad time. So many people are living from paycheck to paycheck, in danger of living in their cars or having their cars repossessed. Survival for many of us has replaced the hope of the possibility of being happy one day. Even as you are only surviving you have the abilities, tools and possibly the time to earn happiness. Some people are just getting by, struggling and surviving. Other people are making the necessary sacrifices that will lead to the achievement of their ultimate goal. They may be neighbors. One neighbor may be living within their means and the other neighbor may be stress out over money because they are financially over extended. Happiness is earned by making good decisions that contribute to what you identify as happiness.

The values of being happy and grateful for what you have are values to possess no matter how much money you have and no matter where you live. Our values have a lot to do with how we live. If we only value money to make us happy, we can never be happy for long. Being grateful for having money only leaves you nothing to be grateful if you somehow lose your money. The things you like have value and being happy means loving and respecting yourself. Doing the things you enjoy doing have value. If you don't like baseball, it's value to you is not as great as the person who loves baseball. Likewise the values of being happy and grateful for what you have.

Many of us, in the course of our lives, find ourselves in a position where we don't feel that we are happy. We are not happy because we weigh too much, we are not happy because we don't have children, we are not happy because we are struggling financially. Some of us have no control over matters of health and we still must find value in being happy and grateful for what you have. For some of us our bad habits keep us from realizing the fullest extent of our potential and our greatest capacity for happiness. The values of being happy and grateful for what we have are innate.

So it is up to you today to decide - are you grateful for what you have? If not, how can you change this?

Have a grateful day!

In A Time of Thanksgiving, It Is Our Time To Give

We have all heard about the horrific tragedy shootings of our soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas. It was a sad event for many. They were/are our soldiers protecting US so that we can enjoy our freedom, so that we can enjoy going to the movies, to our children's football games, etc. It is our time to remember those that have fallen and have been affected by this tragedy. It is our time to GIVE.

Thirteen people lost their lives and 30 more were injured when Maj. Nadil Malik Hasan allegedly opened fire in a room crowded with hundreds of soldiers at Fort Hood in Texas.

For those who want to donate to organizations honoring the soldiers and their families affected by this tragedy, army officials have announced agencies on the installation, which support the troops.

Checks can be mailed to: Chaplain's Fund Office Bldg 44, 761st Tank Battalion Avenue Fort Hood, TX 76544-5000 - Checks should be made payable to "CTOF" (Chapel's Tithes and Offerings Fund) with a note on the memo line stating "Nov. 5 Tragedy."

Contributions on behalf of Fort Hood Soldiers can also be made to:
Fisher House Bldg 36015 Fisher Lane Ft Hood Texas 76544
If you have questions about the Fisher House operation, call (254)286-7927 or (254)286-7929.

Donations can be made to Red Cross at their website,, or by mail :
Killeen Red Cross208 W. Ave. A, Killeen, Texas 76541
Phone: (254) 200-4400

Donations can be made to the United Service Organization at their website,, or by mail:
USO Fort HoodBuilding # 1871, 50th St. Fort Hood, Texas, 76544Phone: (254) 768-2771

If nothing else, prayers would be appreciated for those affected.

BOOK REVIEW - How To Be Famous by Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt

"From braving the wilds of Los Angeles to the Costa Rican jungle, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have learned a thing or two about reality...television that is.....Now, for the first time ever, Heidi and Spencer invite you behind the scenes as they reveal the ten-step plan that took from nobodies to notorious!"

I was so excited to receive this book to review because I am a HUGE fan of The Hills - always have, always will be. And Speidi (Heidi and Spencer) sure know how to keep the drama rolling! I have always liked Heidi and thought that she would be better off with someone much nicer and that actually was able to get along with her friends but, instead, she has given up her friends for Spencer. But we all know the story - all too well.

I read this book in basically one sitting. I was extremely disappointed in the book. Heidi is a very well-educated woman but this book, I felt, could have been written by a 10-year-old. It was so cheesy throughout the entire book that I could almost not stomach to read it - but I did, hoping it would get better in the end. And, it did get better when it was THE END.

I did, however, enjoy the loads of pictures in the book. I am a true fan of Heidi, so that was the only good thing about the book. Let me clarify, the general pictures, not the step-by-step tutorial on how to say "I hate you" without opening your mouth. Come on now, Heidi. That was a bit ridiculous.

So my overall rating of this book, on a scale of 1 to 5, would sadly be a 1, and that is only due to the pictures that I enjoyed looking at - otherwise, it would have been off the scale as a big fat ZERO. Maybe next time Heidi!

I received a blog award! =)

I recieved the Lemonade stand award for great attitude or gratitude from She also has a great blog, so please check hers out! She is also very helpful with blogging and I thank you so much Robyn!

The rules for this award:- Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.- Link the nominees within your post.- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I am passing this on to (in no particular order):

Children’s Defense Fund Stroller Brigade


Join Us In Standing Together for Children: Congress is debating health reform legislation that could leave millions of children worse rather than better off and fails to fix bureaucratic, unfair barriers to care. This must be changed now!

What We Are Demanding: Congress and the President must support changes that provide comprehensive, affordable, accessible care for all children no matter where they live. Changes must build on what works in the system and fix what doesn’t work for children now.

Actions You Can Take: Join children, parents, grandparents and champions for children in a "stroll" to the Nation's Capitol on November 4 or join stroller brigades in cities across the country November 5 through 8 to ensure that our children are not left behind in health care reform. Can't join a stroller brigade in-person? You can also participate in our Virtual Stroller Brigade!

Important Dates and Links:

- November 4th: The Stroller Brigade campaign kicks off in the DC and readers in the DC area can sign up here -

- November 5th through 8th: The Stroller Brigade will travel around the country. Readers can find a location near them here -

- Readers can create a Stroller Brigade in their own neighborhood here:

- Readers who do not want to join a Stroller Brigade can help by contacting their member of Congress, spreading the word about the campaign, and sharing their own story:

- Fact sheets and more:

- The Stroller Brigade in the news:


So Black Friday is a VERY important day for me. HA! It is the day that I look forward to all year besides the actual day of Christmas. I have been scouring tons of locations to find the ad "leaks" and here is what I found so far. Be prepared, my hunt is not complete yet - there will be more! =)

*** SEARS ***

Click here ---> Not only are they offering over 599 Doorbuster items, but they are including a $10 off coupon if you use it before noon. By the way - they open at 4 a.m.!

*** TOYS - R - US ***

Click here ---> to read the 80-page ad plus they have 2 free $10 coupons on the front...And if you spend a total of $30, you get a free Toy Story backpack. I am assuming while supplies last.

*** WAL-MART 100 TOYS FOR $10.00 ***

Wal-Mart ad is supposed to be released this coming week, so please check back to see what their deals are. Here is a press release about their 100 toys for $10.00.

The $10 toys assortment is the first of several programs Walmart will announce this holiday season to bring 12 weeks of added savings in a year that has been increasingly tough on consumer wallets.

The $10 toys are not limited time offers, but last through the Christmas holiday. In addition, Walmart’s price guarantee will match any local competitor’s advertised offer on the same toy product if it falls below $10.

Walmart $10 Toy Highlights:
Following are a few examples of the breadth of toys in Walmart’s $10 assortment, some of which are being newly introduced at $10 and others reduced 20-50% off Walmart’s every day low price:

New Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Action Figures
Barbie Cut and Style Rapunzel doll
Games such as Connect 4, Battleship, Monopoly, Trouble and Jenga
Vtech Explore and Learn Helicopter
Tonka Light and Sound vehicle assortment (firetruck, dumptruck, etc.)
New Littlest Pet Shop Online Animals (virtual pet) or Littlest Pet Shop Playpack sets
Clean-Up Pup Barbie Play Set and Mermaid Splash & Style Barbie
New Play-Doh Burger Builder Set
New Garanimals line Bath Boat (with squirter) and ABC 50 wood blocks kit
Hot Wheels Trick Track
LEGO Bionicle Legends set
New Nerf-N-Force Sword
My Little Pony So Soft Newborn
Little Dreams Interactive Baby Doll

With its $10 price selection for the 2009 holidays, Walmart has added more offerings for a wider variety of age groups, as well as toys that support role play, imagination, active play and family engagement – areas of interest to parents and caregivers today. “Toys and board games bring families together through play. With a variety of toys offered today, budget conscious families can still find many ways to be engaged together,” said Reyne Rice, Toy Trend Analyst for the Toy Industry Association.


Click here -->

You can read about them below and they are usually in many locations in each state nationwide. They offer a box of food that will feed a family of 4 for approximately one week for $30 or less and they offer different food varieties monthly. You can check out their link. There is no monthly income minimum or maximum. ANYONE can receive this. With today's economy, this a must. And, if you are on a local food stamp program, you can use those to buy these.

Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States. The program began in 1994 with 34 families in Monroe, Georgia (between Atlanta and Athens), and has grown to serve hundreds of thousands of families every month across 35 states. Angel Food Ministries crosses denominational lines and has spread the good news of the gospel of Christ through salvation tracts that are placed in each food order.

Blessings by the box
Angel Food is available in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $30 per unit. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $60. Comparison shopping has been done across the country in various communities using a wide range of retail grocery stores and has resulted in the same food items costing from between $42 and $78.

Generally, one unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for about one week or a single senior citizen for almost a month. The food is all the same high quality one could purchase at a grocery store. There are no second-hand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe.

Also offered are specialty boxes such as steaks, chicken and pork. Many participants in this bonus program appreciate the expanded choices. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of units or bonus foods an individual can receive, and there are no applications to complete or qualifications to which participants must adhere. Angel Food Ministries also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system.


Click here ---> to get your free keychain with a telescope on it!!!
Click here --> to get a FREE Mattel toy when your child comes in dressed in their Halloween costume. Plus print the attached coupon to get $5.00 of off $20.00. Coupon good until 11/01.
He was the runnerup for American Idol 6. Just enter the code "LEWIS" in the promotion box. Click here -->
Click here -->
Click here ---> and this gives a list of MANY employment resources. This information could be very handy in the work force today.


8-day Product Review - Olay Professional Pro-X Wrinkle Smoothing Cream

New Olay Professional Pro-X - "New Olay Professional Pro-X is a scientifically advanced line of skin care that gives you younger-acting, younger-looking skin in 28 days. Guaranteed.* It works by resignaling your skin to repair the moisture barrier and boost the surface-cell turnover rate. The result? Potent. Proven. Professional."

This product gives you a timeline for one week, two weeks, three weeks and four weeks, which totals 28 days. I am going to give my review weekly, until my 28th day, to see if it matches up. This is for the wrinkle smoothing cream, but Olay offers a complete line of Pro-X, as described above.

I complained that I had extremely dry skin and I was a little apprehensive about how a wrinkle smoothing cream was going to change my skin appearance; I am just 35. My skin was so dry that I could just touch an area on my face and the flakes would fall off. Yes, it was that dry in places. But did you notice my key word earlier? WAS! This product, in 8 days, has changed my skin so much! I am thrilled and cannot wait to see what happens in 28 days. I honestly do not think that it can get any better. My skin is well hydrated and I have NO dry patches any place on my face. It is not an oily feeling when applied and it seems to soak in rather quickly - something that I was worried about at first.

Not only this, people that have not seen me for a week or so, have commented on how great I looked. I am sure they could not pinpoint what was different, but it has to be from this product.

Will keep you updated throughout the trial but, by far, I am very pleased with this product. It delivers everything that it claims to deliver!

Check out the link to see the product and their product line.

Sunday Freebie Roundup

This is totally FREE! You can do this once a year. You are able to print, view and save your credit report. Click here: --->

Click here --> and you have access to many titles. I believe you still have to provide a credit card number, although you will not be charged, just for security purposes - or so it says in the FAQ section.


This also includes FREE shipping. No credit card or any form of payment required. This is from the Sacred Heart nonprofit organization. They are offering these to improve the health of pregnant mothers and their babies through charitable giving. To get yours click here --->


Click here ---> and then click on the FREE DVD button on the bottom left side. It talks about truth, honesty and respect towards others.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THIS OFFER! I thought it would make a very nice gesture to anyone who is ill...something so small like this can surely make a difference! Click here ---> to request an ANGEL OF HOPE gift and card to be sent to someone who is ill. They are trying to spread HOPE and sometimes a little hope is all someone needs!


Thursday Freebies

Well we are getting ready to round out the work week (not mine - I work Saturdays) soon. So here are your Thursday freebies!

Click on the link here -->

Enjoy a 12 issues of Islands. No strings attached. You'll never receive a bill.

Islands magazine focuses on the islands of the world from the major travel destinations. It explores island lifestyles, culture and history through its regular departments. Features specifically cover such island-related topics as the arts, food, sports, nature and books. Amazing photographs and maps give the reader a better sense of the locations covered, and a heightened desire to visit them immediately!

KFC will be giving away a free piece of grilled chicken at over 5,000 stores on October 26th, 2009. Doesn’t look like you will need a coupon to get this offer.
Here is a coupon for PEP BOYS to get a FREE fall maintenance check. This is usually a $29.99 value. Click here -->
Wal-Mart is offering this Nick Jr. download free. Click here --> http://mp3

Here are coupons to Barnes and Nobles for the above free cookie, hot chocolate and many substantial coupons. Click here -->


FREE $10 gift card from Emergency Essentials

Do you have your own blog or website? If so, you can score a $10 gift card from Emergency Essentials, a Utah-based company that sells a wide variety of emergency preparedness supplies.

Simply put one of their Preparedness Pantry blog buttons (found on the right column of the blog) on your blog or website and they'll send you a $10.00 Emergency Essentials® Gift Card for free!

Claim your free $10.00 Gift Card by emailing them at with a link to your site/blog so that they can verify the button (put Gift Card Giveaway in subject line). Include your contact information in the email so that we can mail your Gift Card to you. Here is the direct link:

FREE $15 Kodak credit

Kodak is giving away 1,000,000 free $15 online credits for personal use. Their link is and it takes less than a minute to sign up. I just signed up for mine and got it. Here are the offer restrictions and this also registers you for a chance to win a trip for 2 to the Ellen Degeneres show:

1 FREE gift of $15 good towards the Kodak Gallery website (fulfilled as a digital code) per person limit.

If/once the $15 gift codes are exhausted in each phase, 40% off gift codes will be given away.
If you are the recipient of a 40% off gift code, you may come back to the promotion during the next phase to receive a $15 gift code.

Visitors must register for the promotion and opt-in to receive future information from the Kodak Gallery in accordance with our privacy policy to be eligible for the FREE gift and/or discount code.

300,000 $15 gift codes will be given away over the course of the promotion. Please see the breakdown to see how many $15 digital codes will be given away per promotion phase. Kodak Gallery is also giving away other gifts through other offers, totaling 1 million gifts.

Phase 1 (Oct 20 - Oct 28):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away
Phase 2 (Oct 29 - Nov 5):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away
Phase 3 (Nov 6 – Nov 13):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away

Must be eligible for the promotion according to eligibility within the Official Rules.

Just talking...

So I could have a full-time job with PLENTY OF OVERTIME just following blogs, reading about giveaways, freebies, general family ideas. WOW! The world wide web has surely opened up a lot of opportunities for someone that likes to stay at home. Haha!

Technology is great - for the most part. The downside is when it experiences "glitches" - EEK!

I officially start training with my old company on Thursday - so excited to get back at it. I just hope the accounts are good. Nothing like accounts full of horrible

I am looking forward to some hefty paydays; that is if nothing has changed with the work load. The transcription business is surely not what it used to be. Before you were slammed with work; now electronic medical records have taken over and TONS of work goes to India and Pakistan for low, low wages. It is sad, but that is the day and time that we live in now.

Anyhow - I am going to have to get in bed MUCH earlier when I start back and that scares me. I am such a night I could work third shift, and I am seriously thinking about doing that, but my husband said that he would be bored throughout the day - not that he can talk to me all day but he would have the opportunity to chat every now and then. So we will see.

Anyway, I just rambled on tonight (well this morning I should say)

Hope everyone has a great week and bear with me on my blog! Thanks!

Opinions please....

I am wondering if my blog is too dark and too hard to read? If I change it, I need to change it soon before it gets appreciate all input! =)

Some GREAT freebies!!!!

Add Edible Arrangements to your Facebook account and then click here to sign up for a coupon for a free box of six chocolate-dipped fruits. Offer is good for the first 100,000 people who sign up. The coupon will be emailed to you within 1-2 days.

Click on this link and find the Free Ziploc samples button as shown up above. If you're one of the first 10,000 people to click on it and sign up, you'll receive free samples from Ziploc, courtesy of Right@Home.

Call 1-800-759-2425 to request a free 2010 God is In the Details Calendar from Back to the Bible Ministries. More details here.

Upcoming Review in 28 days!!!! =)

So I am a member of VocalPoint and I was chosen to receive a full product sample of New Olay Professional Pro-X. "New Olay Professional Pro-X is a scientifically advanced line of skin care that gives you younger-acting, younger-looking skin in 28 days. Guaranteed.* It works by resignaling your skin to repair the moisture barrier and boost the surface-cell turnover rate. The result? Potent. Proven. Professional."

I have been lucky throughout my 35 years to not have much skin problems - that is until a few years back. My skin started drying out, taking a turn for the worse. So I am excited to try this product out. Olay has a great name and a longstanding history behind itself. And this product is GUARANTEED or your money back. So really you cannot go wrong there. I like that it says it resignals your skin to repair the moisture barrier! I surely need that! Moisture barrier BEGIN TO REPAIR YOURSELF! haha...Okay.

So, I am starting this tonight and will blog the progress that it is or is not taking. Stay posted!

FREEBIES - 10/19/2009

** MetroStyle is offering $15.00 off of $15.00 or more. You can check out their clearance items and find several things for that or less. You still are obligated to pay the %6.99 for shipping, but this is still a great deal! Enter code: MS15

**Arm and Hammer Fresh-Ins
Call 1-888-800-2302 or e-mail to get a free sample of Arm & Hammer Fresh-Ins Odor-Eliminating Vacuum Scent Packs. -- A little about the product: Odor Eliminating Vacuum Scent Packs
As you vacuum, Fresh-ins neutralizes odors in your home, leaving a fresh, pleasing scent in the air.


Fresh-ins are small white pouches packed with the natural power of ARM & HAMMER® baking soda that are emptied into a vacuum bag or dust cup. The crystals inside each packet neutralize odors inside and outside the vacuum and add a fresh, pleasing scent to the room.

As dirty air passes through the bag, ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda particles neutralize odor bearing chemicals. The result is clean, odor free air released into your home.

Don't forget to check out as they continously have free samples.

I plan to post more as time goes on.

FREEBIES - 10/18/2009

Here is a list of some freebies I have found on the web:

Get 100 free Disney Movie Rewards points when you enter the codes light, Tina, Gobloon, and graveyards.

Not a Disney Movie Rewards Member yet? Sign up is free and you will receive Disney stickers and labels for your DVDs by mail as a thank you. You will also earn points when you buy Disney DVDs that can be redeemed for Disney movie tickets.

Get a free DVD rental at Blockbuster Express kiosks when you use the code GER9A2. Code expires 11/11/09. Click here to find a location near you.

Yahoo Advertising Solutions is offering a free 1 GB Flash Drive when you enter the promo code USDMXXXX. This offer is available to U.S. residents only.

* If you have trouble submitting the form, try using Internet Explorer.

Seventeen Magazine is offering a free fragrance /lip gloss duo to the first 10,000 winners starting 10/20/09. Must enter code DUO to enter. Make sure to click “click here” under NO Purchase Necessary to not get a subscription. Must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter and be between the ages of 13-29.


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