Just talking...

So I could have a full-time job with PLENTY OF OVERTIME just following blogs, reading about giveaways, freebies, general family ideas. WOW! The world wide web has surely opened up a lot of opportunities for someone that likes to stay at home. Haha!

Technology is great - for the most part. The downside is when it experiences "glitches" - EEK!

I officially start training with my old company on Thursday - so excited to get back at it. I just hope the accounts are good. Nothing like accounts full of horrible dictators...lol

I am looking forward to some hefty paydays; that is if nothing has changed with the work load. The transcription business is surely not what it used to be. Before you were slammed with work; now electronic medical records have taken over and TONS of work goes to India and Pakistan for low, low wages. It is sad, but that is the day and time that we live in now.

Anyhow - I am going to have to get in bed MUCH earlier when I start back and that scares me. I am such a night owl..lol. I could work third shift, and I am seriously thinking about doing that, but my husband said that he would be bored throughout the day - not that he can talk to me all day but he would have the opportunity to chat every now and then. So we will see.

Anyway, I just rambled on tonight (well this morning I should say)...lol

Hope everyone has a great week and bear with me on my blog! Thanks!

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