Upcoming Reviews and Giveaways

My mailbox has been busy this week! I have received quite a few things to do reviews and giveaways on. Here is just a sneak peek of what I have received this week:

  • A Place for Healing. I was excited to be chosen to review this book; especially with the family circumstances I am facing. My mother was diagnosed a few months ago with multiple myeloma - an incurable cancer. My mother is still young, at only 58-years-old. Not only that, my mom has been the "rock" of your family and just out of the blue, she was sick - terminally ill. It has been a test of faith that is for sure. One reviewer wrote "In the midst of her intensifying struggles with pain, Joni has given us the gift of this powerful, truth-filled handbook for facing our own challenges. She calls us to focus on the eternal purposes of our sovereign God, to cling to His unfailing promises, and to find a place of rest and healing in His never-ending love." I am planning on starting to read this in the next day or so. I am sure once I get it in my hands, I will not be able to put it down.
  • Perdue Whole Grain chicken products. Well, I received my coupon in the mail to go and pick up a full-size Perdue whole grain chicken product. I cannot wait to see what they have to offer. I am a chicken-lover! Always eating chicken, so I am excited to try this to see how whole grain can be incorporated into a tasty meal.
  • Timmy Time DVD review. Remember Shaun the sheep? Timmy is the little lamb with a lot to learn. I get to preview three episodes before their airing on the Disney Channel on September 13, 2010. What is so unique about this is there is no human dialogue at all. I actually sneak-peeked a few minutes on one episode while my kids were watching. Very cute! They have watched it about a dozen times already (no joke). So it must be something great. I am going to sit down with them in a day or so and watch with them so I can post my review. But, from the looks of things, it must be a hit to keep my two boys occupied MULTIPLE times!
  • Juno Baby DVD review. This is about facing fears through music. Grows with your child from 18 months to 5 years. Way To Go Juno follows Juno and her friends as they cope with common childhood fears, ex: first haircut, fear of the dark, etc.

Plus I have a SPECIAL review/giveaway that is coming up! I will tell you more about it on a later post but it will be nothing short of cute/adorable and you WILL want to win this. I will give you a hint...it is for winter-time, your little one can wear and play with them, and it has to do with an owl! Intrigued yet? Keep on the lookout!

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