Giveaway!!!! I Am A Frito Lay Fan -- Are You?
· Frito-Lay starts with fresh, farm-grown ingredients, making many of their chips with just three simple ingredients: potatoes or corn, all-natural oils and salt.
· They were the first major food company to remove partially hydrogenated oils from their cooking oil way back in 2003. That means their chips have 0 grams trans fat because they use all-natural oils such as corn oil and sunflower oil.
· Many varieties of their chips provide whole grains like Tostitos® snacks, which contain 8 grams of whole grain corn per serving, and SunChips®, which brings 18 grams of whole grain per serving to your diet! SunChips is also a good source of fiber.
· Frito-Lay supports American farmers and buys the potatoes used to make our potato chips from 80+ farms across 27 states.
Needless to say, I was excited when Frito Lay sent me their Fan Pack. This pack included:
1 Full Size Bag of Tostitos
1 Full Size Bag of Sunchips
1 Full Size Bag of lower Salt Lays
1 Water Bottle
1 Frito Lay Chip Clip
1 Frito Lay reusable Grocery Bag
1 snack size bag of Fritos
AND 1 coupon for 1 free Frito Lay Product (up to $3.99)
I loved the Sunchips! I had never tried the original version before but I was pleasantly surpised at the taste. Actually, I loved everything in the pack. The bag is very cute and the stainless steel water bottle was awesome too!
And another cool fact is they sent the bag of Sunchips in a 100% compostable bag - which means it will breakdown once it is at the landfill! Awesome!
Now here is your chance to the win the same exact prize pack that is listed above.
1. Visit Frito Lay and tell me your favorite product.
2. Giveaway ends on Saturday, November 12, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).
3. Open to U.S. residents.
1. If you are not already following me on my blog via GFC, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter entries equals FOUR.
4. Follow me on Facebook here.
5. Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one you entered.
Make sure you leave your email address in all comments so, if you are the winner, I can contact you.
**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.
A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada
I had the opportunity to do a review on this book. When I saw what the book was about, I definitely wanted to read it. As some of you know, this summer my mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma - an incurable form of cancer. Her illness came without warning. She woke up one day and was having severe back pain. She thought she had injured herself at work prior to this by lifting a door. Weeks went by and it was found out that she had several broken vertebra in her back, which then we thought was due to her osteoporosis. The pain kept progressing and she was finally unable to walk or sit due to the excruciating pain. About a month went by of multiple doctor visits, ER visits, and such. A diagnosis was made and it was one that we never dreamed of - multiple myeloma. My mom is young - she is 58 years old.
With this book, A Place of Healing, it takes you on a personal journey of the author, Joni Eareckson Tada, about her struggles with being a quadriplegic since the age of 17 (she is 60 now) and how she has coped with it. At first, she did not have pain but through the years she has been developing it and it has been excruciating as well. She takes you on her journeys, from struggles with pain, to how she questions her faith, and finally how she has received peace through all of this with her faith in God. She quotes scripture throughout and I love that aspect. She also discusses peoples attitude towards others with disabilities and some of these may surprise you - especially the ones that come from so-called "christians". But she handled these with grace and divine ways (in my opinion).
In the end, she finally has found peace and her understanding of why she has endured this and I think her journey would help anyone who questions "why".
If you have a loved one who is suffering from an illness or disease, I would certainly suggest picking up this book, as I think it has a lot of key factors that could help you out. I surely asked a lot of the same questions that she asked when it came to my mother's illness.
If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes. —Corrie ten Boom
**I was provided a copy of the above book for review purposes. These opinions are my own - yours may differ. My opinion was not influenced in any way.
anno: 2010
Genere: Sit-com
Totale episodi: in corso..
Sit-com ambientata interamente in un bilocale abitato da due twentysomethings, ma non per questa priva di una sua grazia. Sesso, più parlato che esibito. Una serie assolutamente impensabile in un paese come il nostro però, e difficile ...da immaginare anche negli states, non tanto per la “volgarità” tra virgolette ma per l’idea di andare a sollevare il velo di pudore che nasconde i riti quotidiani di una giovane coppia, tra il letto e il water, tra le coccole e le caccole. Di contorno, dialoghi divertentissimi e una stupenda coppia di protagonisti: Russell Tovey (qualcuno lo ricorderà da Being Human) e Sarah Solemani. In giro se ne parla poco, ma merita.
Prima serie: [sub-ITA]
1x01 The Toast-1x02 The Birthday-1x03 The Fancy Dress Party-1x04 The football-1x05 The family-1x06 The argument
Come and Join My Sensational Sunday Follows!
Enter your giveaways here:
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Halloween Weekend and Keeping Baxter Inside! =)
Click on the cat! Move your mouse around...and put your mouse on his belly....purrrrr! =)
So it is the day before Halloween and I have a black cat (who turned 13 years old this year). Needless to say, he is going to be forced to use his litterbox. I sure don't want him to be outside during this weekend. Now don't get me wrong, we do not live in a bad neighborhood or such, but I can remember when I was a kid that people would go around "sacrificing" animals during this time and black cats mainly. Poor Baxter (my cat). And do people even do this anymore? I sure hope not! Him being over 20 pounds, maybe 21, he would be a target for sure. But he is a kind and gentle cat, stays in our yard, and is afraid of cars! Thank goodness! That may be why he has lived so long! =)
And here is Baxter - doing what he does best - SLEEPING! He covers his eyes a lot. I guess I bother him with the lights on! haha
So, for Baxter, I saw this widget and thought I would dedicate it to him since he will be staying inside all weekend! (Oh, this will not be too bad on him. He stays inside a lot - just goes outside to do his business - I think that he thinks a litterbox is just too dirty - HA!)...
Here is wishing safe times and travel and LOADS OF FUN during this Halloween weekend!
Genere: mistero, soprannaturale
Anno: 2010
Totale Episodi: in corso..
Lost Girl racconta le peripezie di Bo, un demone allevato come una ragazza umana e a cui è stato insegnato che il sesso è peccato e fonte di guai. Quando Boe avrà la sua prima esperienza sessuale, scoprendo il suo potere di assorbire energia vitale dagli uomini con cui fa sesso, decide di abbandonare la sua casa e lasciare che l'istinto prenda il sopravvento....Voglio Saperne Di Più!
Prima stasione: [sub-ITA]
1x01 - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 - 1x05 -1x06- 1x07- 1x08 - 1x09 - 1x10 - 1x11 - 1x12 - 1x13
Rock ‘N Learn’s Money & Making Change DVD Giveaway!
Children’s educational DVD series Rock ‘N Learn once again received top honors from the parenting community’s most prestigious organizations for the company’s Money & Making Change DVD title. The title was awarded by Creative Child Magazine’s Preferred Choice Award, National Parenting Publications Award (NAPPA), iParenting, the Coalition for Quality Children’s Media, Teachers’ Choice for the Family and was among Dr. Toy’s 10 Best Children’s Audio/Video Products.
Rock ‘N Learn’s Money & Making Change offers a fun learning experience for elementary-age children. The characters in the DVD, Penny and Bill, know how to shake things up when it comes to counting money and making change. Cool songs and games give plenty of practice with real-world skills. Even preschoolers love the adorable characters Penny and Bill and begin to recognize coins. Students learn about coins and how they relate to one another, strategies for counting coins and bills, “skip counting,” expressing money in written terms, strategies for making change, and more.
In celebration of receiving top honors from the parenting community, and with the holidays fast approaching, Rock ‘N Learn is pleased to offer their customers a 25% discount coupon.
“We’re thrilled by the acknowledgment from the parenting organizations, which are committed to excellence in children’s educational and entertainment products. Rock ‘N Learn strives to meet the most rigorous educational criteria,” said Richard Caudle, co-founder and CEO of Rock ‘N Learn, “We’re also pleased to be able to offer our customers a 25% discount. All they have to do is log onto and use the code SSA25 at checkout.” The coupon code will be good for Rock ‘N Learn customers through December 5.
About Rock ‘N Learn
Headquartered in Conroe, Texas, Rock ‘N Learn has set the standard for learning products. From math and reading to social studies and science, Rock ‘N Learn’s multi award-winning DVD titles deliver a cool and contemporary beat to the subjects kids need most, successfully and effectively extending the classroom experience anywhere and anytime. The company’s extensive catalogue encompasses over 50 high-quality best-selling educational video programs and audio books that can be found in schools, libraries and homes worldwide. The company’s advisory board includes respected educators and child development experts, whose areas of expertise cover every age group from preschool through grade school. Rock ‘N Learn can be found in top school supply specialty stores nationwide (the full list can be found at as well as Barnes & Noble’s Educational DVD section, and the company’s own Website (
My Thoughts:
This is a great DVD! It is very entertaining, yet it teaches you many aspects about money - from counting money, to counting back change, to who is on the penny, nickel, dime, etc. There are a lot of fun facts included on the DVD and I actually learned a few things...really! And the main characters, Penny and Bill (love their names) were cute. They threw in some humor too. You cannot go wrong with this DVD. My son (who just turned 8 asked if we could watch it again tomorrow).
This is geared for children 6-years and up and, again, I really think this would be a great gift or product for any child that is starting to take an interest in money.
Again, you can purchase your copy here with a 25% discount (good until Dec. 5, 2010) by visiting the website or you can sign up to WIN your very own here.
1. Visit and tell me another product that you would be interested in.
2. Giveaway ends on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).
3. Open to U.S. and Canada residents.
1. If you are not already following me on my blog, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter enteries equals FOUR.
4. Follow me on Facebook here.
5. Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one you entered.
Make sure you leave your email address in all comments so, if you are the winner, I can contact you.
**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.
Genere: commedia
Totale episodi: 6 + 24
Leslie Knope, una dipendente del governo locale, cerca di convertire un cantiere abbandonato in un parcheggio comunale, ma si trova a lottare con burocrati, vicini egoisti, imprenditori edili e fanatici che cercando di ostacolarla.
Prima stagione: [sub-ITA]
1x01 Pilot - 1x02 Canvassing - 1x03 The Reporter - 1x04 Boys Club - 1x05 The Banquet - 1x06 Rock Show
MckLinky's - Giveaways and Blogs
List your blog here:
Plus, I will do the drawing tonight for the Romantic Spa Kit. I apologize for the delay - this was my son's birthday weekend and I worked a little extra on my day off (as usual), so I am running behind, but will get that up and running tonight.
Anno: 2010
Totale episodi: in corso..
Genere: Horror
The Walking Dead racconta la storia di un mondo post apocalittico dove gli zombie hanno invaso il pianeta e si concentra in particolare sulle vicende di un gruppo variegato di sopravvissuti che cerca disperatamente un luogo sicuro dove stabilirsi. I superstiti sono guidati dall'agente di polizia Rick Grimes, risvegliatosi dal coma proprio qualche settimana dopo gli eventi che hanno causato la catastrofe. Muovendosi di città in città il gruppo di sopravvissuti scoprirà presto che i morti viventi non sono l'unica minaccia per la loro vita e che i mostri, spesso, sono proprio gli esseri viventi.
N.B. Vietato ai minori di 18 anni
Prima Stagione: [sub-ITA]
01 Days gone bye - 02 Guts - 03 Tell it to the frogs- 04 Vatos- 05 Wildfire - [06 TS-19-Novamov -Videoweed]
Prima Stagione in Italiano
Totale episodi: in corso..
Trama: Carter Shaw è un poliziotto solitario, sparito dagli archivi della polizia e dalle cronache perché assegnato a un’unità speciale specializzata in indagini sotto copertura; quando uno dei suoi poliziotti è in fin di vita peer torture causate dal malvagio Franzine, Carter chiede a Ty di tornare in pista con la vecchia copertura, per smascherare il cattivo e impedire che l’FBI scopra la vera natura del loro lavoro.
Prima Stagione [ITA]
1x01-1x02 -1x03 - 1x04- 1x05 - 1x06 - 1x07 O.I.S. - 08 Sequestro di persona - 09 Betsy -10 Uno sparo nel buio
Prima Stagione [sub-ITA]
1x01 Pilot
1x02 Guns, Strippers and Wives
1x03 Purity
1x04 K-Town
1x05 August
1x06 Ice
1x07 O.I.S.
1x08 Venice Kings
1x09 Betsy
1x10 A Shot In The Dark
Seconda Stagione [sub-ITA]
2x01 - 2x02 - 2x03 - 2x04 - 2x05 - 2x06 - 2x07 - 2x08 - 2x09 - 2x10
The Law of the Garbage Truck Giveaway and Review
Here is a short bit about The Law of the Garbage Truck, something that David J. Pollay had to say himself:
“She’s so lucky.”
Or, “That guy’s so lucky.”
I hear people say that a lot.
When we say that others are lucky, we’re saying that certain positive things happen to them outside their control. I won’t argue with that. Not everything good that happens to us is easily explained. Here’s an example: my parents.
As far as I know, I did not choose my parents. So, I feel lucky when I think that their love was waiting for me when I arrived in this world.
We all have our examples of feeling lucky. The question is what do we do with that feeling. What is our response to good luck?
A key aspect of following The Law of the Garbage Truck is to learn to focus on what we can control in our lives. Although I may not have control over things that may have come to me by luck, I can control my responses to luck. I can choose Gratitude and Right Action.
Gratitude. If you feel lucky, be grateful. Say thank you to anyone who might have helped you. Say thank you to God if that is your belief, or act grateful in this powerful world of ours. Don’t leave luck unaccounted for—show your gratitude. Focus on what’s good.
Right Action. If you feel lucky, make the most of your luck. Do something good with it. Live up to the blessing you’ve received.
The next time you feel lucky, choose gratitude and right action as your response. It’s what you can control, and that’s what The Law of the Garbage Truck is all about.
This book offers a specific proven solution that promotes happiness, civility, and productivity. Now - I think those are key qualities that we all could use and re-learn in our lives. I think most of that has went downhill for quite some time if you ask me. And, if you are wondering - yeah, I carried a lot of garbage with me and I let people "dump" their garbage on me, which resulted in a lot of bad decisions and bad moods. But I am taking the pledge now - I am letting all of the garbage trucks pass me by! And if you don't understand what that means, click on some of the links below and you will see! And I can guarantee you will learn something valuable too!
- The Law of the Garbage Truck blog
- Facebook page for The Law of the Garbage Truck
- YouTube Channel for The Law of the Garbage Truck
You can purchase the book by clicking HERE. But ONE LUCKY WINNER will win their very own copy here.
1. Leave me a comment and let me know what you do to stay positive.
2. Giveaway ends on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).
3. Open to U.S. residents only.
1. If you are not already following me on my blog, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter enteries equals FOUR.
4. Follow me on Facebook here.
5. Follow The Law of the Garbage Truck on Facebook here.
6. Follow The Law of the Garbage Truck on Twitter here.
**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.
Mimi Galore Store Giveaway PLUS Huge Discount Code
About the Cause:
"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is more than just a walk to me. It is my personal opportunity to help save lives from breast cancer by supporting the American Cancer Society as well as honor the most important Breast Cancer survivor in my life... My mom. My mother inspired me to fulfill my life long dream of starting my Etsy store and promoting my own artwork. With her in mind, I have created various "pink" illustrations to help promote fund raising for breast cancer research so that other mothers, role models, sisters, and friends receive the help and resources that are needed to fight this disease. The money that is raised goes directly to people that are fighting breast cancer right now, like my mother. Every dollar, support, and love counts!"
Mimi Galore Store:
"Mimi Galore's store is new to Etsy and the world, it was started in August of 2010. Mimi is inspired by: Chiffon, IKEA, Texas Tina (larger than life and fierce mama), Music, California, 1960's, Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn, Big hair, and bright colors! Her illustrations are created with vibrant prisma color pencils, watercolor, acrylic, and other fun mediums. She is trying to stay green by utilizing top quality recycled Ecru paper. Through the fun and sassy original artwork, Mimi hopes to provide fabulous yet fashionable artwork for everyone, including: hairdressers, makeup artists, fabulous independent women, and beauty enthusiasts."
About Mimi:
"Mimi is a bubbly, vibrant, and flamboyant francophile. Armed with a fabulous vintage dress and high heeled pumps, she is ready to take over the world(one drawing at a time)! She designs and fabricates swirly fun-filled designs and portraits with the help of her mama, trusty pup, Dixie-doodle and supportive sweetheart. She loves to daydream of Dior, little black dresses, and shoes!
When Mimi isn't doodling, daydreaming, or shopping, she spends her time with her husband and loyal lab going camping, visiting pet stores, indulging in exotic cuisine's, writing love notes to each other in sidewalk chalk.
Mimi sent me a beautiful drawing, you can take a look below:
The colors were vibrant and the drawing says it all! I really enjoy it! And you have the chance to win your very own from her store! And you also have the chance to get a 40% DISCOUNT from her store - the Mimi Galore Store! Just make sure you enter PINK GIVEAWAY in the seller's comment (coupon good only until Oct. 27, 2010). And remember - 20% will go to the Making Strides with Breast Cancer campaign.
1. Click HERE and tell me what drawing you would like to win!
2. Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Monday, November 1, 2010.
BONUS ENTRIES:1. If you are not already following me on my blog, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter enteries equals FOUR.
4. Follow me on Facebook here.
Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry and leave your email in each entry so if you are the winner I can contact you.
**I would like to thank Mimi for all that you do in regards to the breast cancer campaign and for the great picture!
We Have A Winner!!!
But there is still a chance to win - Romantic Spa Kit from MyPleasure will be ending on 10/22/2010. Click HERE to enter.
Also be on the lookout for announcements of upcoming reviews that will begin next week!
Thanks to all who entered!
Genere: drammatico, avventura
Totale Episodi: 7
Maremma, fine 800. Andrea e Iacopo, due giovani butteri, sono cresciuti insieme. Iacopo è il figlio del padrone, Achille Vincenzi; Andrea è solo un mandriano, figlio senza padre di una serva. Vivono come amici, rivali solo nei giochi di destrezza nel governare le mandrie e nelle cavalcate, eppure di indole molto diversa: Andrea solare e generoso, Iacopo più lunare e introverso.
Tutto cambia però il giorno in cui il vecchio Vincenzi comunica al figlio che presto dovrà sposarsi con una giovane nobildonna di Firenze. Si tratta della figlia maggiore del Conte Giardini che, caduto in disgrazia a causa del fallimento della Banca Tiberina, ha accettato di lasciar sposare una delle sue due figlie al figlio di un allevatore e commerciante di bestiame, in cambio del denaro che risanerà i suoi debiti. Il latifondista Vincenzi, amministratore del principe Marsili in Maremma, acquisterà col matrimonio oltre al titolo nobiliare anche le terre del Principe. Fautore di questo scambio è proprio il vecchio Principe Marsili, che ha affidato al Conte anche un delicato incarico: scoprire la verità sulla morte della sua unica figlia, la principessa Giulia, avvenuta più di vent’anni prima proprio in Maremma.
Episodio 01 - Episodio 02 - Puntata 03 - Episodio 04 - Episodio 05 - Episodio 06 - Episodio 07
Genere: drama
Totale Episodi: in corso..
Serie della tv britannica BBC centrata su un gruppo di lesbiche che vivono a Glasgow in Scozia. La serie viene pubblicizzata come la risposta inglese all'americana "The L Word". La serie, per ora in sei episodi, prodotta da Kudos Film & Television per la BBC Scotland, è creata e sceneggiata da Harriet Braun (Mistresses, Hotel Babylon). Ruta Gedmintas interpreta Frankie, una irriverente e provocante fotografa che evita accuratamente di legarsi stabilmente; Laura Fraser è invece Cat, ex amante di Frankie, che non è ancora immune dal fascino di questa nonostante affermi il contrario; Fiona Button è Tess, la migliore amica di Cat e sua coinquilina, che ha una particolare predisposizione nell'attirare tutte le peggiori specie di donne. La sceneggiatrice e creatrice Harriet Braun ha detto al 'The Guardian': "Tutti questi personaggi sono molto vicini al mio cuore e sono felice di avere trovato gli interpreti giusti che sanno trasmettere perfettamente la loro gioia di vivere e il loro fantastico ed eccitante mondo. La serie si basa sulle mie personali esperienze e su quelle delle mie amiche. Ho voluto scrivere una fiction sexy, divertente e irriverente che mostrasse cosa vuol dire essere una giovane donna lesbica nell'Inghilterra di oggi. Io ho amato ‘The L Word’ ma è venuto il tempo di far vedere anche il nostro mondo lesbico contemporaneo, con le sue intemperie, i suoi locali, le emozioni represse, i momenti gioiosi e le conmmozioni, tutto quello che secondo la mia esperienza è la splendida avventura della vita".
Prima serie:[ITA]
1x01 Episodio-1x02 Episodio-1x03 Episodio-1x04 Episodio-1x05 Episodio-1x06 Episodio
Prima serie:[sub-ITA]
1x01 PILOT - Episodio 2 - Episodio 03 - Episodio 04 -Episodio 5 - Episodio 6
Growing Tree Toys - Rub A Dub ABC & 123 Bath Toy Review
Growing Tree Learning Toys has just that - learning toys! And I must say they do have a wide selection for any age group of children. They have arts and crafts, dolls and dollhouses, construction sets, as well as bath toys. They have an Alex Toy Department too! This includes Alex Imaginative Play, Alex Kids Furniture, Alex Art Supplies, as well as Alex Bath Toys.
My boys were able to do a review for the Rub A Dub ABC & 123 Bath is how it went:
Okay - so I made the word DIRTY! It was for the cause - they were dirty but about to get clean - after they played awhile:
These were great! They stuck on the bathtub wall so easily once they were wet! I have never seen anything like it! They floated on water too!
My boys play with these in and out of the bathtub and I have even used them to help my oldest with his spelling words! Haha...they are multi-use in our household! And the fact that you get a nice bucket with a lid to keep them in is even an additional bonus!
I think this is a great value at $11.95. Click HERE if you would like to order yours today! In the meantime, check out their entire site! I am sure you will find something for any child that you have!
**I received the above mentioned product courtesy of Growing Tree Toys. I was not influenced in any way of the views stated above. The opinions are my own.
Mailbox Monday - This Is Fun!
Help us spread the word about Mailbox Monday! Write a post for your blog and add the blog hop code.
End of Weekend/Beginning of Week Giveaway McLinky
Follow blogs on the list and hopefully they will follow you back!
List your giveaways here:
Stagioni:1-in corso
La serie ruota attorno a tre diverse relazioni che sono strettamente intrecciate in una sola famiglia, in quanto segue una coppia, Maddie e Ben,si frequentano da nove anni e sono felici nonostante non siano sposati.La vita di Maddie è intrappolata in un ciclo quando la sorella più giovane Mia annuncia che è incinta e sta per sposare Casey, un ragazzo che ha conosciuto solo da sette settimane. A peggiorare le cose, Maddie è stupita che i loro genitori, che sono stati sposati per 35 anni e hanno i loro problemi, approvano l'unione, lasciando Maddie e Ben ad interrogarsi sulla loro relazione.
Stagione 1 [SUB-Ita]
Totale episodi: (6) in corso..
Nuova serie televisiva inglese, prodotta da Sky tratta dai romanzi thriller di Mark Billingham , si divide in 6 episodi che si preannunciano davvero interessanti una serie da brividi.
Prima serie [Eng sub-ITA]
1x01 - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 Scaredy Cat Part 1 - 1x05 Scaredy Cat Parte 2 - 1x06 Scaredy Cat Parte 3
$10 Off $20 Apparel Coupon at Sears - PLUS More Great Offers
I know if you are like me, you will LOVE this deal. HERE is a $10 off $20 coupon for apparel at Sears and you CAN use this is on sale items as well. So print off the coupon and take it to your nearest Sears store before October 23, 2010.
You can click HERE to get 100 FREE 4 x 6 photo prints from SnapFist. Taxes and shipping apply, but this is still a great offer!
Click HERE to "like" Dole on Facebook to receive your free full-size product of Dole Real Fruit Bites - hurry there is a limited quantity on this one.
And, don't forget to enter my two giveaways going on, which will be ending soon. See below. And look for many more great giveaways coming up real soon!
- $25.00 gift certificate to Eden Fantasys - ends 10/20 - click HERE.
- Romantic Spa Kit -from MyPleasure ends 10/22 - click HERE.
Costume Review from Wholesale Costume Club
The super nice folks over at Wholesale Costume Club agreed to let me do a review of one of their costumes. They have such a wide and huge selection of products, that I could have been on there for a long time (okay, you guys know me - I was on there for a long time). =)
The selection that they offered was great! Without a doubt, they will have what you are looking for! I had to decide, for me, who I was going to pick the costume for and I ended up deciding on my youngest one...yeah, I opted for the toddler Halloween costume. After I made that decision, I was in the search for something that would not cover his face because my little one is very picky! It did not take me long after I reached these conclusions....once I saw it, I knew it was perfect! I picked the UPS guy costume and HOW ADORABLE IS THIS? Take a look:
and I apologize for the blurriness of this next photo, but I just had to share! It looks like he definitely had a "hard days work"!
The quality of the this costume was A+! The colors were very rich and exactly like the real UPS workers. I wish that my son would have cooperated to get a standing full frontal picture with his hat on so you could see for yourself, but the pictures on the website are true to the product - at least it was for mine. You can purchase this costume for $16.46 for member price.
Here is a little bit about Wholesale Costume Club:
Basically, you pay just $5 to join. And this is a no auto renewal! Approximately 30 days before your membership expires, you will receive an email asking if you would like to subscribe for another year. It will NOT take out a renewal fee unless you authorize this - so that means you don't have to worry about cancelling the membership if for some reason you don't want to continue with it for another year. Once you become a member, you are eligible to get the wholesale costs of the items with no minimum order requirments! And since the membership price is so low, you will probably save more than that with your first purchase. And, they have a flat rate shipping of $3.99 on any order!
And this site is not just for Halloween - read more below:
When most people think about costumes they immediately think about Halloween costumes. Well, we are here to tell you that Costumes are not just for Halloween anymore. Who didn't like playing dress up as a kid? Theme parties give everyone a perfect excuse to dress up. Today, there are costumes for everyone: adults, kids Halloween costumes and pets. Costumes allow you to step into a completely different persona: super heroes, super villains, medieval, sexy, and so much more. There are literally thousands of costumes to choose from. You are only limited by your own imagination.
Other than needing buy Halloween costumes every October 31st, there are many other occasions appropriate for finding the perfect costume. You can choose to be a clown on birthdays, Abe Lincoln for President's Day, a bunny for Easter, a leprechaun for Saint Patrick's Day, Uncle Sam for the Fourth of July, or even a pilgrim (or Turkey) for Thanksgiving. Theme parties and private occasions open up even more possibilities. Becoming whatever character you want to be has never been easier if you buy costumes from us.
You can really turn heads at your next big get-together with the right costume. Become a saloon girl or deputy sheriff for a western themed party, royalty at a 17th century masquerade ball, or a stage performer for a burlesque-themed event. 1970s, hippie style parties are popular among college students, as are 1920s theme parties where you get to wear a tuxedo or sexy flapper dress. And then there are the elegant old Hollywood glamour parties to get all dolled up for as well. You'll be happy to know that size doesn't matter when searching for costumes. A wide variety of plus sized options are available. You'll find a much better selection of plus size costumes online than in retail shops. There are plenty of biblical, Christmas, and Easter costumes as well as specialty theme items. You can even find plus size couples costumes for you and that special someone.
You love your pets, so when you dress up in costume you want them to look their best too. It's common to see pets dressed up in Thanksgiving, Easter and of course Halloween costumes. You can choose from a variety of special collars, hats, capes and boots. You can even dress your pet to complement your own costume. The variety of Halloween costumes available online makes dressing up cheap and easy all year long!
** I would like to thank for allowing to review their product. I was sent the product as listed above for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are strictly my own and were not influenced in any way.
Celebrating Halloween With Hershey's Candy
According to a national survey conducted by The Hershey Company, personal candy preferences may provide insight into Halloween costume choices. According to the survey:
■About 30 percent of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Kit Kat Wafer Bar and Hershey’s Milk Chocolate lovers will do the monster mash this year as a vampire, witch or monster.
■Fans of Twizzlers Twists may get the chance to show their dance moves as they twist the night away dressed in garb from the 1950s. More than 41 percent stated they plan to dress-up in period piece costumes from different eras of the 20th century.
■Jolly Rancher lovers will most likely sport a cape on Halloween, as 23 percent expressed a desire to channel superhuman powers as their favorite superhero.
My family and I like to make treat bags where we can give each child a variety of candy. Hershey's is well-known and well-liked, and we buy what we like so if we have any leftover, we can eat it! =) Mine and my son's favorite is Kit Kat, while daddy and my other son love Reeses! So we like a variety...and not mention, the hard candy, sour candy, etc. I guess you can say we like it all!
If you too are a Hershey fan, you can click this link and it will take you to their site: It gives you a lot of cool Halloween recipe ideas, costumes, and suggestions. I love the sound effects on this page.
Enjoy your Halloween!
**I am entering a contest for a Hershey’s Halloween prize pack as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club.
Anno: 2010
Genere: drammatico
Stagioni: 1 Puntate/episodi: 6
Le due facce dell’amore“, è una serie televisiva di sei puntate, da 100 minuti l’una, che nasce come adattamento italiano della “scandalosa” serie colombiana “Sin tetas no hay Paraiso“. La serie originale, tratta dal libro di Gustavo Bolivar Moreno, raccontava la storia di alcune ragazze che vivevano nel lusso più sfrenato e che, per piacere ai narcotrafficanti, decidono di sottoporsi ad alcuni interventi chirurgici per ingrandire il proprio seno. La protagonista del libro, Catalina, è disposta addirittura ad essere vittima di alcuni stupri pur di ottenere il suo obiettivo. Se la serie originale presenta dei tratti piccanti e quasi “scandalosi”, la nostra fiction italiana cercherà di riproporre la stessa storia ma seguendo una linea lievemente più temperata, mentre al posto dei narcotrafficanti ci saranno i mafiosi: la protagonista Caterina Marconi (Nathalie Rapti Gomez), infatti, farà di tutto pur di riuscire ad esaudire il proprio desiderio, quello di riuscire a conquistare il bello e maledetto Alessandro (Daniele Liotti), detto “Il Duca“, un ragazzo mafioso di cui è innamorata sin dall’infanzia e che vorrebbe riuscire a tirar fuori dal mondo criminale in cui è finito. Una passione travolgente, un amore impossibile fra due mondi completamente opposti che trascinerà Caterina oltre i suoi principi, tra feste di lusso, delinquenti e malavita organizzata: nell’ambiente da cui il Duca vorrebbe proteggerla.
Prima Stagione
Episodio 01 - Episodio 02 - Episodio 03 - [Episodio 04- Parte 2] - Episodio 05 - Episodio 06
Five Ways To Create Personalized Holiday Cards
PurpleTrail has a wide selection of personalized holiday cards. Here is a card that I designed from their site:
But you can go way behind this type of card. Here are five examples:
- You can add family photos.
- You can add pet photos.
- I like a personalized photo card that goes the extra mile, maybe by placing a ribbon or a bow on the card and/or envelope if you are going to send it through the mail or personally hand-delivered.
- Adding glitter (again if you are going to do the in-person type of delivery method).
- And my must-do on a personalized holiday card is to put the year on the back of the card with our own "signature" stamp.
PurpleTrail is a great website to help you with your personalized holiday card needs. They have everything that you need to make beautiful cards that will be great to save year after year.
Basically with PurpleTrail, you pick a design from the huge selection and for what occasion. You basically start with a blank slate. Then you design it. You personalize the card with your own photos, text, and embellisments. And the final step is order, print, or send online. I think it is great that you have so many options to chose from in your way of sending.
Their site is great! It even offers party suggestions which has so many suggestions from drinks, to decorations, to food, to games. The list goes on and on. In my opinion, this is the ultimate site!
And, PurpleTrail has cards to customize for every occasion - from holidays to celebrations to birthday to weddings to business and announcements. Take a look at everything they have to offer by clicking HERE. You will not be disappointed in their selection.
Now, you have read enough of my post - let's get to customizing some cards!
**I am participating in a giveaway for and it makes me eligible for a PurpleTrail gift code. Here is a link to the contest information page where you can enter too! Contest link:
My Pleasure Romantic Spa Kit Review AND Giveaway
Have you heard of MyPleasure? If not, this website offers sexual health advice, romantic advice, tips, and also adult toys and products that you can purchase. It is a great site if you are looking for answers to specific questions that you may find embarassing.
This packaged arrived really cute. Its contents were:
Romantic Spa Kit Description
Have a spa experience for two! This wonderful collection has all the accessories you need to pamper and indulge each other.
Included in the black satin bedside storage case is an invitation for your sweetie to let him or her know what you're planning. Next comes four unscented, white tealight candles to set the mood for your home spa.
Start by trading sensual massages, using the four-pronged acrylic massager to help relax those extra-tense spots and the deliciously-scented tropical massage cream. When you're ready to clean up, simply fill your tub with the scents of Tropical Escape bubble bath, then use the natural loofah sponge to gently exfoliate each other's backs and other hard-to-reach areas. Turn up the desire by pouring the scented water over your lover's body using the sensuous coconut scoop.
Amounts: 2oz massage cream; 2oz bubble bath
My Thoughts:
This is a very nice kit. The scents of the massage cream and bubble bath were great! They were a coconuty/pineapple blend and I thought they were right on the money. The massage oil was creamy and not greasy at all. The loofah was nice too! The whole kit had everything you needed to have your own spa night at home! You want one now, don't you? Well now you have a chance to win your very own Romantic Spa Kit from MyPleasure. Or you can go ahead and purchase HERE.
1. Mandatory entry - Leave me a comment and tell me how you unwind after a long day and/or a product from MyPleasure that you think would help you to unwind.
2. Entry deadline is 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Friday, October 22, 2010.
1. If you are not already following me on my blog, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.
3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter enteries equals FOUR.
4. Follow me on Facebook here.
5. Follow MyPleasure on Twitter here.
Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry and include your email address in each comment so I can contact you if you win.
**Disclaimer: I received the above-mentioned product for free. I was not required to write a positive review. These opinions are my own.**