Giveaway!!!! I Am A Frito Lay Fan -- Are You?

Okay. I admit it. I AM A CHIP LOVER! Really. I have to have chips whenever I eat a sandwhich or I don't eat the sandwhich. Weird? Maybe. Unhealthy? Well not so much anymore...not if I am eating Frito Lay brand chips. How is that you ask? Here are some facts that you may have not known:

· Frito-Lay starts with fresh, farm-grown ingredients, making many of their chips with just three simple ingredients: potatoes or corn, all-natural oils and salt.

· They were the first major food company to remove partially hydrogenated oils from their cooking oil way back in 2003. That means their chips have 0 grams trans fat because they use all-natural oils such as corn oil and sunflower oil.

· Many varieties of their chips provide whole grains like Tostitos® snacks, which contain 8 grams of whole grain corn per serving, and SunChips®, which brings 18 grams of whole grain per serving to your diet! SunChips is also a good source of fiber.

· Frito-Lay supports American farmers and buys the potatoes used to make our potato chips from 80+ farms across 27 states.

Needless to say, I was excited when Frito Lay sent me their Fan Pack. This pack included:

1 Full Size Bag of Tostitos
1 Full Size Bag of Sunchips
1 Full Size Bag of lower Salt Lays
1 Water Bottle
1 Frito Lay Chip Clip
1 Frito Lay reusable Grocery Bag
1 snack size bag of Fritos
AND 1 coupon for 1 free Frito Lay Product (up to $3.99)

I loved the Sunchips! I had never tried the original version before but I was pleasantly surpised at the taste. Actually, I loved everything in the pack. The bag is very cute and the stainless steel water bottle was awesome too!

And another cool fact is they sent the bag of Sunchips in a 100% compostable bag - which means it will breakdown once it is at the landfill! Awesome!

Now here is your chance to the win the same exact prize pack that is listed above.


1. Visit Frito Lay and tell me your favorite product.

2. Giveaway ends on Saturday, November 12, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).

3. Open to U.S. residents.

1. If you are not already following me on my blog via GFC, follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

2. If you are not following me by e-mail (see right side panel at top - subscribe by email), follow me. If you are following me, just leave a separate comment telling me that you are following.

3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter entries equals FOUR.

4. Follow me on Facebook here.

5. Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one you entered.

Make sure you leave your email address in all comments so, if you are the winner, I can contact you.

**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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