The Law of the Garbage Truck Giveaway and Review

When I read the description for The Law of the Garbage Truck by David J. Pollay, I knew that I had to read this book.

Here is a short bit about The Law of the Garbage Truck, something that David J. Pollay had to say himself:

“She’s so lucky.”

Or, “That guy’s so lucky.”

I hear people say that a lot.

When we say that others are lucky, we’re saying that certain positive things happen to them outside their control. I won’t argue with that. Not everything good that happens to us is easily explained. Here’s an example: my parents.

As far as I know, I did not choose my parents. So, I feel lucky when I think that their love was waiting for me when I arrived in this world.

We all have our examples of feeling lucky. The question is what do we do with that feeling. What is our response to good luck?

A key aspect of following The Law of the Garbage Truck is to learn to focus on what we can control in our lives. Although I may not have control over things that may have come to me by luck, I can control my responses to luck. I can choose Gratitude and Right Action.

Gratitude. If you feel lucky, be grateful. Say thank you to anyone who might have helped you. Say thank you to God if that is your belief, or act grateful in this powerful world of ours. Don’t leave luck unaccounted for—show your gratitude. Focus on what’s good.

Right Action. If you feel lucky, make the most of your luck. Do something good with it. Live up to the blessing you’ve received.
The next time you feel lucky, choose gratitude and right action as your response. It’s what you can control, and that’s what The Law of the Garbage Truck is all about.

This book offers a specific proven solution that promotes happiness, civility, and productivity. Now - I think those are key qualities that we all could use and re-learn in our lives. I think most of that has went downhill for quite some time if you ask me. And, if you are wondering - yeah, I carried a lot of garbage with me and I let people "dump" their garbage on me, which resulted in a lot of bad decisions and bad moods. But I am taking the pledge now - I am letting all of the garbage trucks pass me by! And if you don't understand what that means, click on some of the links below and you will see! And I can guarantee you will learn something valuable too!

You can purchase the book by clicking HERE. But ONE LUCKY WINNER will win their very own copy here.


1. Leave me a comment and let me know what you do to stay positive.

2. Giveaway ends on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (EST).

3. Open to U.S. residents only.

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3. Follow me on Twitter here. TWO BONUS entries for this - leave a separate comment for each one. ALSO - tweet about my giveaway, include the link in a comment for two more bonus entries. Total Twitter enteries equals FOUR.

4. Follow me on Facebook here.

5. Follow The Law of the Garbage Truck on Facebook here.

6. Follow The Law of the Garbage Truck on Twitter here.

**I received the above mentioned product to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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