I just read the most heart-wrenching account of events that one could ever read...a mother telling about the tragic events, that happened so suddenly, which lead to the death of her almost 2-year-old baby boy. That alone should make one stop what they are doing and shed a tear. But actually reading the events, it felt like I was there - that I was a bystander in everything that was taking place.
As I read each word, another tear would fall and I do not even know this mother or this family, but the words she wrote were something that tore at my heart like nothing I have ever known. I was thinking to myself, "if I feel this sad and heartbroken without even knowing the family, how is this mother and her family going to survive such a tragic event?" And then the answer came to me almost immediately - God will lead them.
At the end of her blog post, she mentioned that she and her family were very careful as they would cut up hot dogs and grapes so he would not get choked (I still do this as well), and how they always protected their children. But she made it quite clear, which really made me think about my household, about household hazards that could really harm a child. And there is a huge household hazard ---- in my boys' room. There is this older TV (not the flat-type TV) that is on top of an armoire....And just the other day, I thought to myself that this probably was not the best place for it but I did not do anything about it. Those things can't happen to us, right?!?!? WRONG! Needless to say, that TV is coming down and fast! Please, please, please check your house and make sure everything is safe and secure. Please.
So, as parents, in the midst of the dirty dishes, the four extra loads of laundry that need to be done and put away, and all of the chaos that is involved at times in raising our children, we need to be thankful for those moments - for those moments are our lives!
I would like to have this candle on my page for a memory candle. And I would like to ask all of you to take a few moments and pray for this family. Without a doubt these parents were wonderful and it was just a freak tragic accident that sent a little boy to be an angel. May God be with them! Now go hug and kiss your kids and let the chaotic moments be as they shall be...and enjoy them because we sure wouldn't want them any other way.
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