Busy Weekend and It's Just Saturday!

I have been so busy this past week and weekend. I have several more giveaways to post and I am hoping that I will get them posted in the next day or so. But here is a look at what we have been doing the past few days. Hope you enjoy!

Hahaha..Yeah, we went to the monster truck show! It was fun, I must say...lol. I was a little apprehensive about taking my youngest son, who is 2-1/2-years-old because of how loud the noise would be but he loved it! He laughed..here is a picture of him enjoying it (without his ear plugs..lol):

I posted this on my personal Facebook page - all of the pictures - and one of my friends that I graduated with lives in Colorado now...she said "OMG - that is where we graduated from high school at!" I thought that was so funny because it really was the place that they held our graduation! lol. And then another friend lives more north than we do, as we are from West Virginia, and she said "Ya'll are so country!"...lol..We are indeed! =)

And here our some pics of my oldest son's first basketball game. They only had one practice because of the other practices were canceled due to our horrendous snowy weather lately. But they won - they skunked the other team, as the other team only made ONE shot!!! Gooooo Panthers!!!! =)

Prayer before game - I love the fact that they do this!

Jonathan shooting the ball..He is #33!

And Joshua wasn't too interested in the game - he found a little boy that had Thomas the Train (his favorite) and he was content!

So, what did you guys do so far this weekend? I love these family times and can't wait to have more of them!

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