Gorton's Seafood Giveaway (5 winners) and Exciting Other Contests by Gorton's

Gorton's has been around since 1849 so you know what this means - they are reliable and they are good! Otherwise, they would have been out when the next wave rolled in...(I know - maybe that was corny, but it made me chuckle)...

If you have never tried them, I am sure you recognize their yellow boxes but things are about to change - they are going green. Here is a little snip from their website about this: Environmental responsibility and preserving our natural resources goes beyond our long-time commitment to sustainable fishing practices. It also involves reducing the environmental impact of the work we do and the products we make. As a leader in frozen seafood, we believe that we must also be a leader in environmentally responsible practices, and set a positive example in our industry and our communities.

Gorton's offers such a wide variety of products - from shrimp, tilapia, fish tenders, salmon grilled fillets, to battered fillets and fishsticks just to name a few. There is such a huge range of cooking options that you have for any of these products. And you can check out their recipe page by clicking HERE.

We are huge lovers of the beer battered fillets - YUMMO!

Now here is some exciting news! Gorton's is having some MAJORLY good giveaways going on at Facebook with their Gorton's Seafood January Grilled Facebook Giveaway! They will be giving away: One thousand (1000) FREE grilled product coupons will be given out in four (4) Drawings of two-hundred fifty coupons (250) on: January 10, 2011; January 17, 2011; January 24, 2011; January 31, 2011. One (1) Grand Prize: Xbox 360 Console with Kinect (Retail Value $300.00) to be drawn on January 31, 2011. So you still have a chance to win the 250 coupons and/or the Xbox 360 Kinect - either prize would be awesome!!!!

Five (5) lucky readers will receive two (2) coupons for a full-sized Gorton's product.

I will stop talking and let you get to entering!


1. MANDATORY ENTRY: Follow me via GFC (left sidebar) and tell me which is your favorite (or would be favorite) of Gorton's seafood.

2. Contest ends at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, January 31, 2011.

3. Open to U.S. residents only.


1. Follow me on Facebook by clicking HERE. If you don't have a FB page, just tell me you don't have a FB page but you would like to enter.

2. Follow Gorton's on Facebook by clicking HERE. Make sure you do this so you can be entered to win all of the great prizes and get updates! **3 bonus entries***

3. Once you follow Gorton's on Facebook, tell them that Amy from Harvest For Tomorrow sent you!

4. Follow me on Twitter by clicking HERE. **2 bonus entries**

5. Follow Gorton's on Twitter by clicking HERE . **2 bonus entries**

6. Tweet about Gorton's January Grilled Giveaway. **2 bonus entries - can be tweeted daily for 2 extra bonus entries. **

7. Tell us what you think your Gorton's favorite recipe would be by clicking HERE.

8. Subscribe by email (right sidebar). If you already are following me, just let me know. **2 entries**

**Thanks goes out Gorton's for supplying everything for my review and giveaways. These opinions are my own and receiving the above-mentioned product did not influence my opinion in any way. These are my own as yours may differ.**

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