So you would think the above pictures has represented me during the past few days - just sitting around, twiddling my thumbs...but that is so NOT true. I am overwhelmed slightly. School starts back up tomorrow, which means I have to get all of the school things ready, backpack, clothes, books, etc. Basketball season begins on Tuesday for my oldest son, Jonathan. This will be a treat (and a lot of running around). I have to finish getting our house in order - I soooo want to Spring clean right now, but I will probably just kind of deep clean (but not Spring deep clean), shampoo carpets, and try to get rid of some clutter. Oh I need some organizational items badly - I desperately need a nice bookcase and a few other shelves. I bought 30 more coat-hangers today at the store in "hopes" of getting most of the laundry completely hung up (laundry = not my favorite thing to do - granted, I don't mind throwing the clothes in the washing machine, or even the dryer for that matter, but I hate, hate, hate to get them out of the dryer. It must be a mental block.)
But, in all of this, I will be posting three great reviews and giveaways tonight! I feel so lost without a giveaway happening! The Sesame Street Wii, DS or PC game giveaway is still going on and it has had wonderful results! They are surely cute games!
With all of this ranting, I just wanted to say to be on the lookout for THREE GIVEAWAYS that I will be posting TONIGHT!
(As you can see, I am scattered brained today!)
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